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Warning: really boring chapter ahead. I apologize in advance. :-)

Thea woke up alone. It was several hours later maybe even days. She had no idea. She got out of bed and noticed that the clothes she was wearing were torn to absolute shreds. Looking around she noticed a folded piece of blue cloth. Picking up the cloth, it folded out into a simple dress (above). She smiled, partly thanking whoever put it there and also partly wishing it wasn't a dress. Or that her clothes weren't destroyed. She dressed and ran her finger through her hair as she looked around the tent for her shoes. While looked she found Thranduil's red cloak in a heap on the floor. She sat down on the bed to put her shoes on, pulled the cloak over her head, strapped her knife to her waist, and then slipped outside.

It was dusk, maybe seven o'clock, outside and there weren't many people in the streets. But no one would have seen Thea anyway because she was hidden inside the red cloak. She made her way through the field of tents and towards the front gates of Erebor, a slight ache starting at her wound. Thea got inside the mountain unnoticed and walked through its huge interior until she heard voices. A lot of voices. Yelling.

Thea almost ran down the rest of the hall towards two large wooden double doors. Thea pushed them open and was greeted by two spears pointed at her. Beyond the door guards there were two large tables. Seated at these two tables were dwarves, men, a hobbit and an elf. The dwarves were Thorin and his usual thirteen along with Bilbo. there was Bard, his family, and Gandalf. And then there was Thranduil.

"I'm not really that dangerous. Just an injured half breed."Thea said. The room had gone silent at her entrance. Thea pulled off her hood and the rest of the cloak letting it fall into the crook of her arm.

"Let her in." Thorin said and the guards pulled back. Thea waltzed into the room and dropped the cloak on the back of Thranduil's chair.

"You shouldn't be here." Thranduil said.

"I'm aware I wasn't invited." Thea said.

"No I mean you should be resting. You almost died, Thea. Why don't you value yourself?" Thranduil said, sounding exasperated.

"I value myself plenty. Thank you." Thea said placing her hands on the back of Thranduil's chair. "I'm glad to see you've recovered, Thorin Oakenshield."

The dwarf king looked up at the half elf with no emotion on his face, and she met his gaze.

"You are out of your mind." Thorin said, his face softening into gratitude.

"I could say the same about you." Thea smiled.

"I owe you my life."

"A debt you should see as filled." Thea said. The rest of the room still hadn't spoken up.

"It never will be." Thorin said, surprisingly humble.

"You gave me my life back when your company waltzed into Mirkwood. You owe me nothing." Thea said tightening her hands around the back of the chair. The room remained tense.

"Speaking of Mirkwood I will be going back there after Thorin's coronation. Are you coming Thea?" Thranduil injected into the conversation. Thea didn't say anything for a moment.

"I think I'm technically still banished..." She said on way of an answer and the room went from a steely silence to dissolving into laughter. Starting with Bilbo Baggins.

"You've got to be kidding." Thranduil said smiling slightly.

"Sort of. "Thea said, the only one in the room not laughing.

"Obviously you are not banished." The elven king said shaking his head.

"Apology accepted." Thea said in mock bitterness, now distracted by the pain building up on her newly healing wound. She pressed a hand to it before realizing that it would make the pain worse. Thea grimaced before stumbling black from Thranduil's chair.

"You'll have to excuse me." Thea said simply before stumbling out of the room. She heard her name called behind her but she didn't turn back. Once out in the hallway she fell against the wall for a second then made her way back to the her tent, passing out on the bed as soon as she arrived.

Sorry this took a while. School just started with its 13 hours of marching band practice a week...so updates may be infrequent. Or not. Who knows?

Two more things. The first is that after this chapter there will be one more and an epilogue. That's it. :-(

But on a funner note I'm going to try to really enter this story in teh wattys. Like edit it and stuff. All feed back will be greatly appreciated.

Sorry for the long a/n

Vote, comment, xD

Colder than The King -A Thranduil Fic- #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now