Chapter 2

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I woke up in that same room, in the same hospital bed, with the same cute doctor.

"YAY! YOUR BACK." He smiled. I didn't smile. His smile went down.

"It ain't a good thing I'm back in the hospital doc." I said with a bit of a tone.

"Stop that, don't be mean to this nice young man." She looked at me with concern.

"Sorry, can I go walk around please?" U asked smiling at doc.

"Yes sweetie you can." He smiled bright.

"Imma go home and take a shower i'll be back in like 30 okay?"

"Okay TT I love you!"

"I love you too baby".

After she left I walked out the room with doc. He hugged me and we went out separate ways.

As I walked down the hall I heard screaming. It was horrible then come to find out a women's giving birth to triplets naturally...oh hell no boaaaaa!

I kept walking and walking and walking . I saw the most weirdest shit though!

As I was walking I found a kid. She was crying and shit so I went to her.

"Hey baby what's wrong?"

"I cwant find my bwrother." She said looking down. Her face looked so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"CAMRON! CAMRON! Baby please come back where are you!" I heard a familiar voice say.

"CHRIS!" She yelled, as she ran to the man that was calling her name I looked up and realized who he was Chris.

"Oh baby don't do that to me you scared me!" He said holding her tite.

"Sorry chwissy poo!" She said.

"Oh I just found her sir." I tried to pretend I didn't know it was him.

As I was walking away he called me back.

"NANI!?" He said with a concerned-confused tone.

Oh shit......."Hi Chris." I said looking at the ground.

He put the little girl down and he came towards me to hug me.....I just stud there.

"Yo I haven't seen you in forever!" He said pulling me into a hug.

You see me and Chris used to date (he's not the one that raped me though) his family and my family are hella close. His family has known my family for 123 yrs. ( yes ancestors and all ) he dad is an ex-mob boss and so is mine. We started dating after the 9th grade but over time things got worse. He was abusive, he got drunk , high all that.

I remember one time he was so mad when he was keynote and he beat me so bad I couldn't get out of bed for three weeks straight. But the thing about it is he always took care of me when he did beat me badly. He knew what he did was wrong and owned up too it.

For some reason I still love that nigga and I always will. He's high yello , grey eyes that turn colors by the season. He's 6'4 and he the right amount of buff. Not to big and not to small. He had dimples that went deep into his cheeks. Straight ass white teeth and plush pink lips that were soft as fuck. He was chill to though. He always used to be high.

"Yeah I know I haven't seen you in forever neither." I was still looking at the ground and then I felt a soft hand lift my chin up.

"What you afraid to look at me now?" He said smiling. I couldn't help but look.

"Boy please, ain't no body scared of yo high yella ass!" He always knew how to lighten me up and he still does.(smh).

"Aye ma' how you been?" He asked

" Good just got released and back in the hospital again.." I said looking around. He was always over protective of me so I already knew what was next.

"What? Why the fuck you in here?" He said kind of pushing me away.

"Because....." I trailed off.

"Uhh because......." He gestured his hands telling me too go on.

"Why you wanna know anyway? So you can run off and tell my ma'?" I got kind of an attitude. I always expected him to do shit like that.anytime I told him something he would tell his brother (Erin's boyfriend) and his bro would tell Erin and Erin would tell my ma'. Everyone hates me in my family. I don't know's just true.

"Damn, why you gotta fuckin' cop a attitude with a brothah?"

"Cuz Chris that's what the fuck you known for."

"Does yo mom even know why yo ass is in here anyway?"

"No she just came too she and bitched at me and left."

"If you tell me I promise I ain't gonna tell!" He pleaded. He was on his knees. (Smh).

"Chris you know you ain't good at keepin' promises at all." I said crossing my arms.

He got off his knees. "Girl just tell me! Damn!"

"Fuck I was RAPED okay?" I knew I shouldn't have told him that cuz his face just turned all the way pale. Then it turned red.

"B-B-Bye who?" Shit I knew he was freakin out. I had a feeling if I lied to him he would beat the shit out of me. (Like he used to do.)

"My other EX." I looked at the ground in shame.

"Nani....what did I tell you about prot-"

"LOOK CHRIS YOU AIN'T MY FUCKIN DAD OKAY DAMN! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST STAY OUT MY BUSINESS AND LEAVE ME ALONE DAMN! IT'S YOUR FAULT WE BROKE UP ANYWAY!" I didn't mean for that last part to come out. He looked at me and smiled. But it wasn't his regular smile doe. It was more of a....evil smile.

He whispered in my ear.

After he whispered in my ear I froze. I couldn't believe what he told me..... He's a fuckin dick!

I ran out of the hospital and ran into my auntie. I was crying.

"Nani what's wrong baby?" She asked holding me by my side arms.

"TT just check me outta here....I wanna go home."

( 5 hrs later)

After the incident at the hospital with Chris I just wanted to sleep at home in my own privacy. His words were ringing through my head. (You ain't go ever be nothin' but a hoe anyway, you pro'lly did somethin' to deserve it shit..hoe as bitch should have never made love to yo nasty ass or I cain't even believe that I said I loved you at one point...ha bitch you a joke hoe.) His words rang in my head all night. I couldn't deal so I went to bed.

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