A New Friend

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Abigail decided to go to school.When she entered the building,everyone was staring at her."Is that the new girl?",someone whispered."Yeah..pretty sure that's her.",someone else answered.Abigail looked around the groups of kids.One group Abigail looked at was the popular kids group."Um...excuse me,but can I join your group?",Abigail asked,sheepishly.The kids in that group laughed at her.The leader of the group,McKenzie,walked towards Abigail."Sorry,hon..but we don't take newbies.Sorry!",McKenzie scoffed."Oh..okay..I understand...",Abigail said,sadly."Oh,look!!The newbie is starting to cry!",one of the popular kids chuckled.All of the other kids started to laugh at Abigail.Abigail quickly ran towards the girl's bathroom and hid in one of the stalls."Maybe...I'll never make a friend here...",Abigail cried.Soon,a girl heard Abigail crying and went inside the girl's bathroom."Are you okay,new girl?I really understand what you are going through.",the girl said."Really?But I didn't see you out there.",Abigail said."I don't like coming near those popular kids.Hey!Do you like fantasies?!",the girl asked."Yeah...why?",Abigail answered."I'm really into fantasies!",the girl said."Me too!What's your name?",Abigail asked,excitedly."My name is Ruby.And you are?",Ruby said."Oh!!It's Abigail..",Abigail answered."Okay..well,do you want to be friends?",Ruby asked."We seem to both like fantasies.""Oh,okay!!I'm so glad I met you.",Abigail said,gratefully.Abigail came out of the stall and held hands with her new friend,Ruby.

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