The Battle of Fates

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As Zach headed back to his house,McKenzie walked towards him."You will never stand a chance for what I'm about to do.",McKenzie said,sneering.When McKenzie snapped her fingers,an army of hypnotized students came up behind Zach.Zach gasped in fright and ran for his life.McKenzie's army ran after him.Soon,McKenzie's hypnotized army grabbed Zach and held him down.McKenzie smiled with an evil look.McKenzie was about to hypnotize Zach,until Abigail returned."Put your hands down,McKenzie!",Abigail snapped.McKenzie gave Abigail a look like she had never done before."You filthy rat!You want to save your friend?Well....come and GET HIM!!",McKenzie sneered,as she ordered her peasants to attack Abigail.Abigail leaped out of the way from McKenzie's army.McKenzie laughed."Is that the best you can do?You are just a puny,worthless little girl who doesn't even know who she is.",McKenzie snapped.Abigail fumed with rage."As if you don't even know what you are doing!This isn't the way.....have you ever been in a state where you feel like you don't exist?I'm in that feeling right now,but you have to make a choice here..either let go of Zach...or pay the price...",Abigail said,with bravery.McKenzie snickered."Hahahaha...Wow...I'm so scared!Hahahaha",McKenzie laughed.Abigail sneered."Well...I guess I should tell you I brought some friends...",Abigail smiled,as she gave a signal.An army of her fantasy friends appeared out of the blue."What are those?!",McKenzie said,with her eyes as big as pie plates."These are my friends.They will take you down and I will walk away,with Zach following me.",Abigail said,smiling with excitement.McKenzie laughed."How can fantasy characters bring me down?!They are utterly worthless!",McKenzie chuckled.Abigail gave a signal to charge!The battle is underway!Abigail's wizard used his magic spells to wipe out McKenzie's hypnotized army.The ogres bashed their way through the rest of McKenzie's army.Abigail rushed over to McKenzie and punched her."Is that the best you can do?!",McKenzie sneered.As Abigail and McKenzie battled,Zach tried to crawl out of the way,but McKenzie caught him in the act!"Come here, are going down with me if I fail!",McKenzie said,as she gripped on Zach's throat."Abigail...please hurry...I'm not gonna be able to last any longer....",Zach said,as his eyes started to whiten."Zach!",Abigail cried.As Abigail was distracted,McKenzie used her hypnotic spells to completely take over Abigail's army!Will Abigail be able to fight and save her friend?

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