Fantasies Alive

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Abigail Johnson looked like an ordinary girl,but she has a huge imagination!Her mind is beyond comprehension.Abigail created her own fantasy world with her imagination,but whenever she encounters people,they call her a freak.One day,she went out to go shopping."You are the only freak in this town.No one will ever be friends with you.",a neighbor teased.Abigail buried her head in her hoodie."They are all wrong.I will make a friend here.Someone will understand me.",Abigail pledged.When she arrived at the store,a friendly cashier greeted her."Hey,Abigail.I know what you are going through.My name is Tyler.",Tyler smiled."Oh,hi...I guess we are both freaks,then,huh?",Abigail asked.Tyler smiled and said,"Hope you find everything you need."Abigail looked through the rows full of all sorts of stuff.Abigail started to imagine that her fantasy friends were with her."Do you need anything,magic wizard?",Abigail asked out loud.Everyone looked at her in confusion.Abigail walked towards the next aisle.In Abigail's mind,there was tons of imaginary characters from all sorts of fantasies.Abigail's favorite character in her fantasy was a magical wizard named Galor the Wizard.She talked to him all the time and the wizard was probably the only fantasy character that Abigail was interested in.Abigail bought all the things she needed and exited the store.On her way back home,she was humiliated all the way back just like on her way over to the store."Get out of my sight,you freak!",one person screamed,throwing a can at Abigail.Abigail rubbed the back of her head where the can hit her.She made her way home.Abigail entered her home.She actually lives alone.Her parents died when she was little,but she still has her pet dog,Sniper.Soon,Abigail started to play games with her fairy tale friends."It's your turn,Gal-What am I doing with my life?",Abigail thought to herself,sadly.She soon decided to find herself a real friend.

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