One Tough Day

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As the classes dragged on,it was finally Lunchtime!When Abigail was finding a place to sit,McKenzie brought out her leg and tripped Abigail.Abigail had pizza sauce all over her shirt."Oops,how clumsy of me.I'm so sorry...",McKenzie apologized,sarcastic."That's it!!",Abigail shouted,as she leaped toward McKenzie.Abigail started to punch McKenzie,as McKenzie screamed in pain.When Abigail ended her revenge,McKenzie got up and said:"You're a monster...a danger to society!"Abigail cringed and tried so hard not to cry.Abigail ran over to her new friend,who was sitting at the table which looked like it hasn't been sat on in months."What happened over there?",Ruby asked,looking at the pizza splatters all over Abigail's shirt."I don't want to talk about it...",Abigail said,wiping off the sauce off her shirt.Ruby just shrugged and kept eating."I'm gonna grab some lunch,since McKenzie messed it up...",Abigail said,walking over to the lunch options.As Abigail was getting her "second" lunch,McKenzie came up to her."You know are a loser with a very ugly fashion sense.",McKenzie snickered.Abigail gritted her teeth.Her hands balled up into fists."But....I am the popular girl here...and you will do what I say!",McKenzie snapped.Abigail did a noise that she has never done before.This meant that she was so mad,she would probably kill someone."No....I don't want to hurt anyone else...",Abigail thought in her head."Um....Earth to dork...are you alright?!",McKenzie asked,chuckling.Abigail jolted up and walked away."Oh!Are you walking away like a chicken?!",McKenzie laughed.Abigail just ignored her and ran away.

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