McKenzie's So-Called Friends

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As the new McKenzie walked down the hall,one of her old friends,pinned her to a locker."Where's the old McKenzie..the one who I used to know?!",McKenzie's old friend said,furiously."Sorry,Jessica...but the old McKenzie doesn't exist in me anymore.",McKenzie snapped back.Jessica let go of McKenzie,as she scoffed."You're all weak and pathetic,now,McKenzie...I hate weak and pathetic people, knew that...",Jessica said.McKenzie sneered."Then,you better get away,Jessica...before you turn all pathetic and weak..",McKenzie chuckled.Jessica gasped and kicked McKenzie in the stomach."Ew!!Get away from me,McKenzie...your niceness is poisoning me!!",Jessica screamed.Jessica ran away,flailing her arms around.As soon as lunch time rolled in,McKenzie sat next to her new friends.¨Hey,McKenzie,how are you doing?¨,Abigail asked.¨I...I was confronted by one of my old friends.It was terrible...she wanted me to go back to being all mean and being a bully again,but I won't do it.¨,McKenzie said.¨That is great!As long as you are with us,you will be safe with us,right,Ruby?¨,Abigail said,as she turned towards Ruby.¨Oh...right,yeah!¨,Ruby said,as she smiled nervously.Abigail looked at Ruby curiously,but just shrugged and kept on eating.At the end of the day,McKenzie confronted Jessica again.¨I warned you,,face my wrath!!¨,Jessica screamed,as she transformed into a mythical beast.McKenzie stepped back as her old friend began to charge towards her.McKenzie skidded to the side and dodged the attack."Grrrrrrr!!You are going to pay!What has happened to you,McKenzie?!I want my old friend back!!",Jessica growled.Jessica began to attack again.this time,she hit McKenzie.McKenzie hit the wall of the school and coughed out some blood."Then,come and get me,Jessica!!Come on,fight me!!",McKenzie said,as she wiped the blood off of her face and smirked.Jessica was furious.As Jessica gritted her teeth,McKenzie gave her a smile.Jessica stared at her."You know, can change,too....",McKenzie said.Jessica ignored her and started to charge towards her.As Jessica was getting close to McKenzie,a bright light appeared in front of McKenzie."W-What is this?!",Jessica shrieked,as the light began to spread around McKenzie and Jessica."I can show you there's another way, just have to take my hand...",McKenzie said,as she held out her hand.Jessica began to cry."B-But....he will be mad at me...",Jessica cried out."He?",McKenzie asked,curiously."I said too much...",Jessica said,as she transformed back into her human self.As Jessica ran away,McKenzie passed out on the ground and kept on wondering about what Jessica said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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