McKenzie's Revenge

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As McKenzie stomped down the hallway,she ran into Zach."Oh..hello,McKenzie.",Zach said,looking at her curiously.McKenzie looked at Zach with an angry look and pointed at his face."You WILL belong to me again.YOU...WILL!!",McKenzie spat.Zach smacked her hand away."We are through...don't you remember.",Zach said,angrily."You will...belong to ME!!",McKenzie screamed,with her eyes glowing."Um...are you okay,McKenzie?",Zach asked,scared.McKenzie had hypnotized Zach for him to belong to her again."Now..GO!!Break Abigail's heart!!",McKenzie ordered her new hypnotized servant.Zach walked away like a zombie."Don't walk that way.You'll scare the other kids.",McKenzie screamed.As the classes dragged on,Abigail was getting tired.When school was over,she ran into Zach."Oh..hi,Zach!",Abigail said,surprised."Hi,you slug....",Zach said,moaning."Zach,are you okay?",Abigail said,feeling his forehead for a temperature.Zach slapped her hand away."Why are you acting this way?!",Abigail said,crying as she ran away.McKenzie walked towards her servant."Good job,Zach...her heart is hurt,but she now has to be destroyed...",McKenzie said,smirking.Zach shook his head in confusion."But..I like her...I just can't kill her..",Zach said,sadly."You dare defy me?!",McKenzie spat.Her hypnotic powers took over Zach again."No...GET BACK!!",Zach smacked McKenzie away."I won't let you hypnotize me again!"McKenzie got back up and wiped the blood away from her face."I will get you...I will get everyone.Be alert,I will bring an army!",McKenzie warned Zach,running away.As soon as McKenzie ran away,Zach ran after Abigail.Soon,he arrived at her place."Are you here,Abigail?It's me,Zach!",Zach called out for her.Abigail showed herself."What do you want?",Abigail asked."It's McKenzie...she hypnotized me,but I escaped!But soon,she will attack us and kill us!",Zach warned Abigail.Abigail looked at Zach in a way that she had never done before.Zach stepped back a bit.¨Abigail.....¨,Zach said,backing away.Abigail calmed down and turned the other way.¨I appreciate the warning,but i don't want to see you ever again.¨,Abigail said,walking away.Zach looked at her and left.

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