Chapter 15

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(Adam's POV)
The girls got back in the car. Dottie sat in passenger. Which was a good think. I didn't want to have an awkward conversation with someone with them right next to me.
"Hi I'm Emily."
The girl put her hand out and i shook it.
Emily and Sydney started to talk in thr back and Dottie just stared out the window.
"Um... Dottie we gotta stop by the offices... I left my vlogging camera there."
"Emily whi are you staying with?" Sydney asked.
"My Dad."
"I can drop you two off if you know where it is."
"Yeah." They both said.
(Time Skip)
"Alright bye guys..." Emily said.
They drived off. Dottie countinued to stare out the window.
"Dottie is everything ok? You've barely said anything since we picked up Emily."
"It's nothing big... Just everyone's changed..."
"What do you mean?"
"Well... Sydney used to be short and have a cute little nose and wear her favorite purple jacket. She would talk on and on about her pet Scrat. Emily she looked way different. She had Black hair and blue glasses and she wore horse life clothes. She also never shook hands with people. And The Group™ is no longer friends because i left."
"What do you mean The Group™?"
"Well i called it The Group™ There are all of us andball of us are friends. Think of it like Team Crafted. Everyone was friends with each other in there right?"
"Well it's like that. There is 7 of us. Me, Sydney, Emily, Allie, Wyatt, John, And Seth..."
"What did they look like?"
"Allie had Dark brown hair and she wear red glasses once every year... Wyatt was the same height as Seth 6'3 He had brown hair and liked to write and read books, John was the one who runs really fast, likes to read and origami. I met John before any of them. he was the new kid in 7th grade abd i was the one to be friends with him first. I was very unpopular. I thought he would be a great member to add. I actually asked him out he denied and played it off like it was nothing. And Seth is/Was my boyfriend... A year from then can change people. He's probably moved on."
"Well what did you mean The Group broke up?"
" Did you not here me and Sydney talking when we got back?"
"Was i singing LITTLE MAC IS THE BEST?!"
"That's probably why."
"Well Sydney told me that i held The Group™ together, cause when i left, Allie left because her and Emily got into a fight. Emily had no time to help Sydney in school. For then her grades dropped and she was sent to Military school here. And Seth left the group when he moved on from me. John and Wyatt are still friends though."
"Oh ok... Well we're here. Get upstairs and turn on your laptop. I gotta do something woth you on your laptop."

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