Chapter 43

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We started to glow annoying the craps out of Jin and Jet. We started to levitate and the sun shines on us.
Dottie I don't l is how much more!
Keep strong it's working.
Jin and Jet passed out and me and Infinite fell to the ground. I blacked out but Infinite sounded fine.
(Adam's POV)
Jin and Jet fell to the ground and So did Dottie and Infinite. Infinite got back up but Dottie laid there.
I ran to her she was blacked out. Her pulse was slowing. I saw another car show up. Alesa.
"Call 911. Hurry."
(Time skip to the hospital)
(Dottie's POV)
I wake up. Adam, Alesa, and Infinite are next to me.
"What happened?'
"You blacked out."
"You're fine now but we wanted to tell you something."
"You're immune to cancer and so is your sister."
"Wait... Really?!"
"Come back with your sister next week. We're busy all this week , and thank you for getting here when you did."
"No problem."
We got up and went home.
(Adam's POV)
When we got home Infinite and Dottie were given blindfolds.
"We got a surprise!" Alesa said.
(Dottie's POV)
We put on the blindfolded.
What do you think it is?
"I don't know."
Use your thoughts.
"What are you talking about?"
"Ok you can take them off."
I took off my blindfold. Our room was painted green. My bed had a FNAF blanket and Infinite's had a minecraft blanket. There was 2 desks and a new pair of headphones and a Mic on mine and a computer!
"Oh my gosh!" I said
"Thank you!" We both said. I hugged Adam and Infinite hugged Alesa.
"Your the best father ever!"
I got on the computer and logged into my Microsoft account.
"Can I buy FNAF 4?"
"Sure it's only 3.99"
"Thanks!" I bought the game and started my recording software. I put on my headphones and plugged in my Mic. Infinite was asleep. It was 3 in the morning. I turned on my lamp and began.
"Hey Polka Dots it's Dottie and if your wondering why I'm talking so quietly my twin's asleep over there. But today we are playing FNAF 4 and if you enjoy give it a thumbs up and subscribe I love New polka s dots and let's get started with the first night." As soon as I started playing I got killed by Bonnie.
"Dang it! Freak you Bonnie!"
"What are you doing? It's like 3 in the morning?" Infinite asked
"Playing FNAF 4 go back to sleep."
"I'm gonna get a glass of water."
(Infinite POV)
I walked across the hall and woke up Adam.
"Psst... Adam." I whispered shaking him.
"What Infinite?"
"Dottie's playing FNAF 4 let's scared her."
"I like the way you think. Come with me."
He took me to the closet and handed me a scream mask. He grabbed a Jason mask and we opened the door to her room. We crept upon her.
"Chica! Gosh!"
Adam yanked her headphones off and we grabbed her she screamed.
"Adam! Infinite! Don't do that!"
She screamed. We both laughed.
"Thanks for waking me up Infinite! That was worth it!" Adam said through his laughter
"Anyways guys I'm Dottie that's Adam and Infinite and I'll see you Polka Dots later bye..." She cut the recording.
'Watch your backs." And we went to bed.

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