Chapter 2- Is This A Joke?

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Leigh-Anne woke as she felt her phone vibrate against her hand. She was surprised; the only people that called her now were her parents, and as she was living with them at the moment until she sorted everything out they would just talk to her face to face if they needed her. Since Little Mix had drifted apart Leigh-Anne hadn't really done anything, and instead she had drifted into a depression almost, showing no emotion and instead just doing the same thing day after day.

Leigh picked up her phone. "Hello?" she said.

For a few seconds there was silence on the other end, and Leigh started to think it was a prank call, or maybe someone had called the wrong number.

"Leigh-Anne?" A voice on the other end said cautiously. Leigh's heart leapt. She recognised that voice. It was the voice she had missed so much for the past 6 months.

"Yeah?" Leigh answered cautiously, just in case she had imagined Jade's voice.

"Leigh it's me, it's Jade"

"Oh my God! I've missed you so much!" Leigh exclaimed.

"Me too!" Jade said. "That's actually why I'm calling you. Basically, well, I'll just say it... would you be interested in trying again? As a band I mean".

"Oh my God! I'd love to!" Leigh-Anne replied.

For the next hour the two girls talked, first jade explained about what happened last night with Perrie, then they just updated each other on everything that had been going on in their lives. Leigh learnt that Jade had a boyfriend called Sam, who she seemed to really like. This made her heart ache and she felt insanely jealous every time Jade mentioned him, but she didn't let it show. She told herself that she would just be happy for her friend and ignore the feelings she had for her. They decided that all 4 girls should spend a week at Jade's flat whilst they planned how to restart their career.

After a while Jade had to go.

"Bye Jadeypoo" Leigh said, using her friends' old nickname.

"Bye Leigh-Leigh" Jade giggled, then hung up the phone.

"I love you" Leigh-Anne said quietly as she put her phone down. If only she knew that Jade had done the exact same thing.

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