Chapter 15- 5 Years Later

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*5 Years Later*

"Leigh!" Jade shrieked as her girlfriend tickled her. "Leigh, stop! I swear if you carry on I'll probably give birth right here!" Leigh-Anne burst out laughing.

"The baby isn't due for another week silly!" She said.

"Yeah well if you keep torturing me it might arrive early!" Jade joked.

"I can't wait to see our beautiful little baby boy or girl" Leigh said.

"Neither can I" Jade agreed.

"You're going to be the best mother ever" Leigh-Anne told her.

"No I'm not, you are!" Jade giggled. Leigh-Anne sighed; they'd had this argument so many times but they could never agree on it.

"I love you Jadey" Said Leigh-Anne, kissing her lips and resting a hand on her stomach. She felt the baby kick, so she bent down and kissed Jade's stomach. "I love you too baby!" She told it. Jade giggled.

"Hey I feel a bit weird, would you get me a drink of water Leigh?" She asked.

"Of course beautiful" She said, leaving their room and walking into the kitchen.

As Leigh-Anne reached for a glass, she heard a scream from her and Jade's room. She ran in and saw that Jade was lying on the floor with a pained expression on her face.

"Baby? What's wrong?" She asked.

"Babe.. I think... I'm going into labour!"

"I'll phone an ambulance" Leigh said, grabbing her phone. When she had called the ambulance she texted Perrie, Jesy and both their mums.

To: Jesy, Mum, Norma, Pez

Jade's going into labour. Meet us at the hospital

Leigh xx

The doctors arrived, and helped Jade, who was now screaming in agony, into the ambulance. Leigh-Anne sat in the back with her and held out her hand, which Jade squeezed tightly.

They arrived at the hospital, where Jade was put on a bed. Leigh-Anne held her hand the entire time, even when they gave her painkillers which obviously made it hurt less.

After three hours, one of the midwives that had been walking in and out the entire time to check on Jade finally said "I think I can see the baby's head. Keep pushing".

"I. Fucking. Am. This. Fucking. Hurts" Said Jade, her breathing uneven because of the pain. Leigh-Anne was surprised; Jade hardly ever swore. Then again, she couldn't even imagine how painful this was. She guessed she should keep that in mind though, as they had agreed that if they had another child Leigh would give birth to it. Even though this baby wasn't biologically related to her, Leigh-Anne still thought of it as her own. She couldn't be happier; the girl she loved was about to have her child!

"Arggghhhhhhh!" Jade let out a blood-curdling scream, and she gripped Leigh's hand tighter.

"The baby's almost coming out!" A doctor said.

Jade screamed again, louder this time.

"The head's here". He told them, and Leigh-Anne felt a rush of excitement.

Suddenly Jade let out a final scream, louder than ever, and the baby was here. A midwife picked it up and cleaned it off, then handed it to Jade. "Here's your new daughter" she told the couple, smiling. Leigh-Anne and Jade looked at their daughter, smiling. Leigh wiped the tears from her eyes. It was a girl, like they had wanted!

"Lily Louise Thirlwall-Pinnock" Jade said, holding her daughter close. That was the name they had chosen for a girl; Lily because they both loved it, Louise because it was Both Perrie and Jesy's middle name, and a combination of both their last names.

Leigh-Anne looked into her daughter's eyes, and saw Jade staring back at her. "She really looks like you" she told her girlfriend, kissing her on the head. Then she kissed her daughter on the head in the same place. She took her daughter into her arms.

"I promise I'll do whatever I can to give you the best life possible. You're my world Lily" She said, even though she knew that the baby didn't understand her. A midwife came and took Lily from her arms before she could say anything else, so she bent down and kissed Jade passionately. She felt her girlfriend smile as they kissed. She pulled back, still smiling.

"This is the happiest day of my life" Jade breathed.

"Mine too, but why not plan another day to be a close second?" Leigh-Anne asked her.

"You mean..."

"Yes that's what I mean. Jade Amelia Thirlwall, I love you more than I can say. These six years I've known you have been the happiest of my life. Marry me?"

"Yes..." Was all Jade could say before she crashed her lips into Leigh-Anne's.

The End.

A/N: So yeah, I've finally finished this story. Maybe I'll write a sequel some time but I don't have any plans to right now. I am planning to start a new Jerrie fic though, so make sure you read that if you enjoyed this one. It's going to be quite different though, set when they were at school. But yeah, thank you so much to everyone who read this story, especially those who voted and commented even though this story somehow manages to be boring and cheesy at the same time :)

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