Chapter 14- Waking Up

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Three days later, Jade was still sitting next to Leigh-Anne's hospital bed, waiting for her to wake up. She hadn't got any worse, and the doctors had said that now they had stopped giving her painkillers for her broken leg there was a good chance she would wake up today, and even if she didn't then it was almost definite that she would in the next week. Both Sam and Sacha had been arrested, so there was no way that they could hurt Jade or Leigh-Anne any time soon. Jade was still furious with them, especially Sam, for what they had done to her girlfriend, and in a way it was good that they weren't allowed near her as she didn't know if she would be able to stop herself from hurting them if she saw them again.

Jade had only left Leigh-Anne's side twice since she had been brought into the hospital, as she wanted to be there when she woke up. Leigh-Anne's parents had been there quite a lot too, and of course Perrie and Jesy. The fans had been amazing, with all of them hoping Leigh-Anne would be okay soon, and loads sending her cards and presents.

Jade leant over and squeezed Leigh's hand. "I have to go baby. I'll be back soon" She said, leaning over to kiss her beautiful girlfriend's forehead.

"No..." a soft voice mumbled.

"What? Leigh-Leigh?" Jade said, not wanting to get her hopes up.

"Don't... go. I'm here" The same voice said again, and Jade felt her hand being squeezed.

She looked down, and saw that Leigh-Anne's eyes were open.

"Oh my God, baby! You're awake!" She said, an overwhelming sense of happiness inside her.

"Yeah" Said Leigh-Anne, smiling slightly but looking very weak.

"I'll go get a doctor" Jade said, leaning down and giving Leigh-Anne a soft kiss.

The doctors said that now Leigh-Anne was awake, there was practically no chance of her having any other problems, but that she would need a few weeks' rest as she was still very weak, and even after then she couldn't perform or do any hard work for two months, and would need a lot of sleep. Leigh-Anne moaned about the not performing part, but Jade was just happy that her girlfriend was ok. Besides, they could all do with a break! The doctors agreed that Leigh-Anne should stay in the hospital for that night, just to make sure everything was ok, but she would be free to go tomorrow. A few hours later, Leigh-Anne seemed to have fully woken up, and Jade, Jesy and Perrie were all sitting around her bed, discussing what they would do when she got out of hospital. Jade said that she wanted to stay overnight with Leigh-Anne again, but the others refused to let her. After spending 30 minutes trying to convince them, she gave up, and it was decided that Jesy would stay with her (Jade was refusing to let Leigh-Anne spend the night alone in hospital), and drive her back to their apartment straight away the next morning. Perrie and Jade would go back to their apartment and just wait for Leigh and Jesy to arrive home.

When they got back home, Jade knew she wanted to do something to make Leigh-Anne's return special. She discussed it with Perrie, but then they realised that Leigh-Anne would probably just want to chill out, so they just decided to make everything in Leigh and Jesy's apartment clean and comfy so she had somewhere nice to relax.

That night, Jade somehow managed to sleep for ages, probably because she hadn't slept much in the hospital. She woke at 11AM to the sound of their front door slamming. Realising Perrie must have gone out, she quickly ran to the door to see why.

As she opened the door, Jade saw why. Perrie was standing outside Leigh and Jesy's apartment. Jade saw Jesy standing there, but more importantly, next to her was the girl she most wanted to see. Leigh-Anne. Jade ran over to them, forgetting that she was in her pyjamas with her hair unbrushed and no make-up on. The paparazzi were taking pictures but she didn't care. She ran over to them, and pulled Leigh-Anne into her arms, then picked her up, giving her a long, passionate kiss. As she put her down, she heard Perrie and Jesy both saying "awww".

"Jade you look terrible!" Laughed Jesy "Anyone would think you're the one who just came out of hospital".

"I just woke up" Jade defended herself.

"I can see that!" Jesy giggled.

The four of them went into Leigh-Anne and Jesy's apartment. They decided that they would watch a movie later, but they should leave Leigh to get some rest first. Perrie went out to see Zayn, and Jesy went into her room and did whatever. Jade walked with Leigh-Anne into her bedroom, and lay her down on the bed, then covered her with her blanket, tucking her in like a child. She leant forward and kissed her softly on the lips, then sat at the end of the bed.

"Get some sleep beautiful" She told her.

"I'm not tired" Leigh-Anne said, getting up and pulling Jade so she was lying next to her. She leaned in and kissed Jade's lips roughly. Jade let her at first, then pulled away.

"You need to rest" She giggled.

"I don't want to" Leigh-Anne said mischeviously.

"What do you want to do then?" Jade asked her.

"I think you know" Leigh-Anne said, winking.

"Leigh! You just got out of hospital! You're tired! Go to sleep!" Jade said.

"I'm not tired, I was asleep for three days!"

"You know what I mean" Jade said, rolling her eyes. "Maybe later".

"Fine" Leigh-Anne said, making a sad face which made Jade laugh again. "Stay with me though"

"Okay" Jade said.

They lay in bed together until Jade thought Leigh-Anne was asleep. She started thinking about what might have happened to Leigh if she hadn't saved her when she did. She felt angry at first, then tears welled up in her eyes. What if they'd killed her? She couldn't survive without Leigh-Anne. Then she realised Leigh-Anne was awake and was looking at her.

"What's wrong beautiful?" Leigh-Anne asked her, looking worried.

"Nothing, don't worry baby. Just go back to sleep" She said.

"Don't lie to me Jade"

"Ok fine, I was thinking about what could have happened to you. I couldn't survive without you Leigh-Anne, please never leave me!" She said, starting to cry. Leigh-Anne sat up and wiped her tears away.

"I could never leave you Jade. You're all I'll ever want"

"Promise?" Jade said.

"I promise. I love you" Leigh-Anne said.

"I love you too. Now go back to sleep" Jade said.

Leigh-Anne sighed, then lay back down and rolled over. Before she knew it, she was sleeping again.

A/N: Again not my best chapter, but whatever. The next chapter is probably going to be the last one, I'm thinking of setting it in a few years' time when they're married with kids etc, so let me know what you think of that idea. Also I wrote a oneshot yesterday about Jesy and Leigh-Anne, so I'd love it if you could read that.

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