Chapter 10- Trouble

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Jade, Leigh-Anne, Perrie and Jesy waited in silence outside their managers' office. They were all so scared of what was about to happen that any conversation would just lead to discussing that. Jade and Leigh-Anne still believed that they had made the right choice, but they also knew that none of their bosses would see it that way, even if they were less strict than the ones they had straight after X Factor. Jesy and Perrie felt similar, but they didn't know how they would feel if Leigh and Jade had destroyed their career too.

"Little Mix? Come in please" Said an official looking man whom they had never met before. The four of them walked into the room together, and Jade longed to feel Leigh-Anne's hand in hers to reassure her, but she didn't dare to reach for it in case management saw that as them shoving what they had done in their faces. The girls looked around the room and saw that at least 10 managers they'd never met were sitting on chairs at the sides of the room, along with Sarah, Mark, their other boss, Tulisa and Amy, the owner of the label they were now signed to. Shit, this must be bad if she's here, Leigh-Anne thought. There were two empty seats on either side of Tulisa, so Leigh and Perrie sat on her left and Jade and Jesy sat on her right. She took one look at them all and saw how scared they all were, so she whispered, "you'll be fine, just try to stay calm. If this helps I think you did the right thing, and I'm proud of you two for having the bravery to do that".

Leigh-Anne was about to say something when Amy started to speak. "As you all know, we're here because of Little Mix, particularly Jade Thirlwall and Leigh-Anne Pinnock. Ladies, I think you should know that everyone in this room knew about the rumours before I called them, and over half saw your tweets and twitcam. What you do on social media is a serious matter in this industry, you should all realise that now. The decision to respond to such serious and potentially damaging rumours without contacting us was very irresponsible".

A woman they hadn't noticed before started to speak. Jade frowned. Why was she so familiar?

"Excuse me Mrs Fields, could I say something?" She asked.

"Of course Sacha" Amy said, and Jade's heart sunk. It couldn't be! She looked, and it was. How did she get a job here?

"I'd just like to say, a group who thought it would be ok to announce something so damaging without consulting anyone with any real experience obviously don't have the basic sense to do well in this industry. It would probably be much less embarrassing for the label in the long run if we got rid of them before they do anything else. Even if we stick with them they won't last, they obviously don't care about each other if those two were so willing to ruin things for the others"

Jade looked at Jesy, who looked even angrier than she felt, then Tulisa, who seemed to be about to say something. Seeing Tulisa like that reminded them all of the X Factor days, when she defended them week after week against any negative comments from the other judges, and in that moment they all knew that whatever happened Tulisa would support them. Before she could say anything, Amy spoke again.

"The fact is, whatever any of you might think, this WILL negatively impact sales. Some young fans won't understand, and it will put them off your music, and even some of the ones that idolise you won't be allowed to support you because of their parents. Children will start to copy your behaviour, and that's wrong".

"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Leigh-Anne shouted, shocking everyone in the room. Tulisa reached over Perrie and grabbed her arm as she looked like she was about to stand up and punch something. "You, Mrs whatever-your-name is" She pointed at Sacha "need to realise that this is OUR life, not yours, that you're bitching about. We care about each other more than anyone cares about you! I may only be in love with Jade, but I still love Jesy and Perrie, they said we could do that twitcam. And you" She said, pointing at Amy "When you signed us you acted all nice, I should've known you were just a heartless, money-grabbing prick like everyone else! Have you even looked on Twitter? For every negative comment there's 40 positive ones. This gives us even more of an opportunity to be role models to kids going through what we have. And no-one will copy us. Being gay isn't a fucking choice! I didn't choose to fall in love with Jade! Why would I choose to spend all my life until 3 months ago feeling like there was something wrong with me, then to love someone I thought I could never have? If anyone has a problem with us they should leave the middle ages and transport themselves to the 21st century, and realise that IT DOESN'T MATTER!" By the time Leigh-Anne stopped speaking, she was almost in tears. Perrie, who was sitting next to her, hugged her. Jade looked at the girl she loved, and even though she didn't even want to think about what her outburst meant for their career, she felt so proud of Leigh-Anne for standing up for their relationship.

"Do you see what I mean? Not suitable for the music industry" Sacha said smugly. That was the last straw for Leigh-Anne, who stood up from her seat and stormed towards Sacha. Just as she was about to punch her in the face, she felt two people grab her from behind.

"Leave it Leigh, don't make this worse" Jesy told her. Jade stepped in front of Sacha, causing Leigh to relax her body and lose her train of thought. Even when she was confused, scared and looked like she might cry she was so beautiful. Jesy and Tulisa pulled Leigh-Anne out of the room, and Jade went and sat back down with Perrie.

"What did I say" Sacha smiled, and if Perrie hadn't been gripping her arm tightly out of fear Jade would have done what Leigh-Anne had just tried to do. Tulisa came back in and sat between them, squeezing both their hands reassuringly.

"I thought it'd be best if Leigh-Anne stayed outside for the rest of the meeting. I understand how she feels but she isn't doing the rest of you any favours. Jesy's staying with her" She told Jade and Perrie. They both nodded, understanding.

The rest of the meeting consisted of Amy talking about the practical side of the situation, like sales and what the press would say, Sacha making VERY personal digs about them (it turned out she knew A LOT about Little Mix, and Jade, Perrie and Tulisa almost attacked her when she made a not-so-subtle comment about Jesy's weight) and Tulisa, Mark and Sarah defending them. Eventually Sacha had to leave for some mysterious appointment, and after that it looked like Little Mix and Tulisa were winning.

After they had been debating what to do for over an hour, Amy asked Leigh-Anne and Jesy to come back in as she had made her final decision. They both looked like they had been crying.

"Ok, I've made my decision. You've still got your deal. For now. We will assess the figures and contact you when we know exactly what this number is, but if your next single sells below a certain number it's off. Also, from the behaviour I've seen today, I've come to realise that Leigh-Anne is the most likely in this group to cause trouble. Perrie and Jesy, you have nothing to worry about. Jade, you have one more chance if you screw up again. You've still got the chance to prove to me that you're capable of having a good reputation in this industry. Leigh-Anne, your behaviour today has disgusted me, and probably everyone else in this room. If there's one more slip-up from you, you're out of the band, and as Jade will still be under my management I'll make sure that this disgusting thing you call a relationship is over" She told them.

Perrie, Leigh-Anne, Jade, Jesy and Tulisa all looked at her in shock. Leigh-Anne opened her mouth to say something, then realised it was a bad idea. The five of them left the room, then without saying anything had a group hug.

"I promise that whatever happens I'm here for you girls. Even if that old bitch dumps you I'll find a way for you to make it. Leigh-Anne, I completely understand why you did that, but a move like that could ruin you forever, so you need to learn to control it. I had to. You remind me so much of a young me. Oh, and you guys should ignore everything they said in there about your relationship being disgusting. I think it's adorable, and you guys are so perfect together. Good luck with everything!" She said, hugging them all individually then walking away.

The four girls went back to the car park in silence, and Perrie, Jesy and Jade got into the car. Leigh-Anne told them she had some shopping to do, so they went home and she walked to the shops, which were nearby. As Leigh-Anne walked past a bus stop, she felt something hit hwr on the back of her head. she turned round, and suddenly a fist hit her face hard. Before she could see who had hit her, she fell to the ground unconscious.

Later that day, Leigh-Anne woke on the floor of a dark room which was empty other than a few chairs. There were no windows, only a door, and just as she was about to get up and open it someone walked in.

"Hello Leigh-Anne" said the person.

A/N: So yeah, definitely not my best chapter, I didn't really know what direction to go with it, so yeah.

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