Chapter 7- Telling The Girls

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When Jesy got home that evening, she was surprised to see that Jade and Leigh-Anne seemed to be happily chatting away.

"Hey guys" she said as she sat next to them. "Have you seen Perrie?"

"Nope" Jade said.

"Me neither" Said Leigh-Anne. "She went out a few hours ago, no idea where she went though".

"Ok" Jesy said. "You guys seem happy. Unusually happy. I haven't seen you like this together since the first day we were here".

Jade and Leigh-Anne looked at eachother. Jade looked worried, and blushed a little. Leigh giggled. "Well, there were a few... complications. But we're past that now, and thngs are better than ever" She smiled, looking at Jade affectionately.

"Yeah, we'll explain later, when Perrie's here" said Jade, clearly not ready to talk about it. Leigh realised this, and nodded in agreement. Jesy went into the room she had been sharing with Leigh-Anne, leaving the two girls alone again. Leigh grabbed Jade's hand and looked at her seriously.

"We're going to have to tell them, you know. Sooner or later they'll find out, and I'm sure they'd rather hear it from us" She told Jade.

"I know, but like... I don't know" Jade said, biting her bottom lip in a way that made Leigh go crazy inside.

"Don't worry Poopey" She giggled. "They already know about me and they were amazing. They won't care".

"But what if they do? What if they find it awkward to be around us?"

"Trust me, Perrie and Zayn can be so awkward to be around, so she can't judge us for that. And if Jesy can put up with them we'll be easy" Leigh reassured her.

"Ok, I'm just being stupid" Jade said, giving a small smile.

"You're not stupid!" Leigh exclaimed, hugging her and giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. Jade moved in closer and they kissed again, this time for longer, using tounges. Just then they heard the door open, and realised it was Perrie. They pulled apart quickly, and just held hands instead. Perrie walked in, took one look at them, and smiled.

"Not avoiding each other anymore then?" She asked.

"You noticed too?" Leigh said, surprised.

"Yep. You didn't exactly hide it" Perrie said. "It's good to see you back to normal. Anyway I'm so hungry, should we order a Chinese?"

"Yeah cool" Leigh said.

Later that day, all four girls were sitting happily eating their food. Jade gave Leigh a look, telling her that she thought it was time to explain. Leigh nodded, and said "So guys, we have something to tell you".

"Go on then" said Jesy.

Jade explained the whole situation with Sam ("What a prick!" Jesy exclaimed). Then she told them she was bi and they were fine with it, just like they had been with Leigh-Anne. Then Leigh-Anne took over, telling them about the afternoon's events when she found jade crying.

"So basically... we're together" She told them, looking at their reactions.

"Oh my God!" Perrie exclaimed. Jade and Leigh looked at each other worriedly. Had they freaked her out? "This is so cute!" She finished, and they both let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah" Jesy agreed. "don't be too cute around us though, I'll get jealous" she grinned.

"Well you've got Jordan" Jade said.

"Not anymore, we broke up today. Well, he broke up with me" Jesy told them, looking sad.

"Awww baba, don't worry! We'll be here for you" Perrie told her. "Zayn's away most of the time, so I'm alone a lot too" she said.

The four girls all hugged, cleared everything up, then went into their rooms. "So how long have you liked Jade?" Jesy asked Leigh. "Since I first saw her. Did you ever notice?"

"Yeah, well I've always seen the way you look at her, but then again she's beautiful, so I thought maybe it was just that. You guys seem so happy together. I really hope this works out!" She said.

"Me too!" Said Leigh-Anne.

"One thing though, and I'm going to say the same thing to Jade. If you hurt her, I will kill you! And if you guys break up, you WILL still be friends. I can't have you arguing around me" Jesy warned her.

Leigh said "don't worry, I could never do anything to hurt her"

"Awwww, you really like her don't you?" Jesy asked, smiling.

Leigh looked down, blushing "I think I love her Jess" She admitted.

"Awwwww you're blushing! Well you guys are so cute together! Like I said I hope things work out, but my warning still stands" she said.

That night, both Leigh and Jade fell asleep with a smile on their face, and they dreamed about each other.

AN: So yeah this chapter's a bit crap and boring, but the next one will be better I promise :) With this chapter I was kind of just building on the plot a bit so that's why it's boring. So anyway, I'm thinking I might make the next chapter a bit more... mature ;) so tell me what you think of that idea (if anyone actually reads this story lol). Anyway, thanks for reading :)

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