Chapter 4- They're Fine With It... Mostly

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Three weeks after her phone conversation with Leigh-Anne, Jade sat on her couch impatiently waiting for Leigh, Perrie and Jesy to arrive. She was so excited about seeing them again! She had hung out with Perrie a few times since her drunk visit, but it would be so much better when all four of them were together. They were going to be staying at Jade's for a week so that they had plenty of time to catch up, think of ideas and get used to each other's company again. Jesy wouldn't be arriving for a few hours as she had to work, but Leigh and Perrie could arrive at any time. Jade was hoping that Perrie would arrive first because for some reason she was nervous about seeing Leigh-Anne again. Even though Perrie only lived 10 minutes away she doubted that this would happen; Perrie was never early.

Jade heard a knock at her door, so she got up and ran to answer it. She opened the door and Leigh-Anne was standing there, looking beautiful in a pink crop top and ripped blue jeans, her dark curly hair in a ponytail on top of her head. Jade grabbed her and they hugged. They walked inside, sat down and made small talk. After about 20 minutes the conversation turned into an awkward silence, so they were grateful when they heard the door, knowing that it was Perrie.

"Come in" Jade shouted into the next room. They heard door open and a few seconds later Perrie walked into the room. She took one look at the two girls sitting down and screamed excitedly, pulling them to their feet and into a hug.

The three girls spent the afternoon gossiping happily and watching TV, and Perrie seemed oblivious to the strange tension between the other two. At one point whilst the girls were watching a Disney movie, without thinking Leigh edged closer to Jade, leaning her head on her friend's shoulder. Jade pretended to be so interested in the film that she didn't notice, but she did. Eventually Jade just gave in to her feelings and leant on Leigh, putting her arm around her. The girls were always like this with eachother, so why did this make her so nervous? Jade told herself that she would distance herself from Leigh-Anne to avoid ruining their friendship, the band's chances and her relationship with Sam... after the movie.

At about 8PM Jesy arrived. There was the same routine of hugging and catching up, then the girls decided that they should do something fun tonight to celebrate their reunion.

"Truth or dare!" Perrie squealed excitedly, still hyper from the happiness of being back with three of her best friends.

"Ok Girlies, let's play truth or dare!" Jesy said in her infamous Australian accent.

They found an empty bottle in the kitchen and sat on the floor, placing it in the middle. Jesy spun the bottle and the girls watched as it moved in circles, wondering who it would point to. It landed on Perrie. She giggled and chose dare.

"I dare you to log onto facebook and tell the first person on your chat list that you're pregnant with their child" Said Leigh-Anne. The other two nodded in agreement.

"Guys!" Perrie moaned.

"It was your idea to play!" Jesy laughed.

"Ok fine!" Perrie said, picking up her phone.

Ten minutes later, Perrie had admitted to liking Niall, one of Zayn's bandmates, before Zayn showed an interest in her, Jesy had tried (and failed) to eat a whole spoonful of Marmite, which she hated, and Jade had told them that she had slept with two people in her life. Leigh-Anne had been lucky enough not to get chosen.

When Jesy spun the bottle for the fifth time it landed between Leigh and Perrie.

"Not me again!" Perrie moaned.

"Ok, it's Leigh-Leigh's turn" Jesy said. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth" Leigh responded.

"Ok... hmm... what should we ask her girls?" Jesy said, turning to Jade and Perrie.

"I've got a question!" Said Perrie. "Leigh, have you ever liked a girl?" She asked, flicking her blonde hair casually. Leigh looked around the room at her three friends. She blushed, realising that Jade was watching her intently. She shouldn't lie to them, she decided.

"Well, umm, I..." She stuttered hesitantly. "I'm... I'm gay" Leigh-Anne confessed, glancing at each of the girls then hiding her face in her hands. That's it, Leigh thought. It's over. They hate me. She felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"I knew it!" Jesy said.

"What?" Leigh asked her, confused.

"I guessed, you always have guys all over you but you take no interest, not even in the fit ones!"

"I had no idea", Perrie told them.

"Same" Jade muttered, not looking as amused by the situation as the other two, and avoiding eye contact with Leigh-Anne.

"Don't worry, it's fine!" Jesy told Leigh, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "Hey, don't cry!" She said, noticing the tears in Leigh-Anne's brown eyes.

"Yeah, this doesn't change anything!" Perrie said, smiling. Jade gave a small smile too, but it looked forced and uncomfortable.

The girls stopped playing after that, and instead they just talked. An hour later they decided to get ready for bed, and they did, and it was decided that Perrie would sleep in Jade's room and Leigh and Jesy would share the small spare room.

"Don't even think about trying anything though, lesbo!" Jesy joked, winking at Leigh as they walked into the bedroom.

"I was serious when I said it was fine, you know" she told her. "We all love you no matter what!" she said, giving Leigh a hug.

Leigh hoped she was telling the truth, but she couldn't help that think Jade had been weird with her since finding out.

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