Chapter 12- Sam Is A ****

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Leigh-Anne looked at her broken iPhone. Some parts of it were still working, but there was no way she could see what she was doing on that screen. She would have to wait for someone to call her, and who knew when that would be? She tried to move to a more comfortable part of the room that the middle of the floor, but the pain in her leg made it impossible, so she just lay down and shut her eyes, trying to ignore the pain she felt.

A while later, although Leigh-Anne had no idea how much later it was, she was woken as she felt her phone ringing in her pocket. Finally! She thought. She took it out and managed to answer it. "Hello?" She said. Her heart leapt as she heard Jade's voice on the other end.

"Leigh-Anne? Oh my God! What happened? Where are you? Are you OK?" Jade said, sounding panicked.

"Jade! Thank God you called. Basically I have no idea where I am, but wherever it is that woman I attacked at the meeting is keeping me here. I was walking past the studio when someone knocked me out, and I woke up here. All I know is that I'm in some kind of basement" Leigh told her.

"We'll find you! Don't worry Leigh, you'll be okay!" Jade said. Leigh heard her telling whoever she was with, presumably Perrie and Jesy, what she had just found out. "Pez and Jesy are just going to look for you now. Are you ok?"

"I'm alive. I don't know though, my leg is killing me and I can't move. I think it's broken" Leigh-Anne told her.

"Don't worry baby, I'll get you out of there. Anything else you can tell me to help us find you?" Jade asked.

"Well I don't have any of my stuff apart from my phone, maybe I dropped something" Leigh-Anne said doubtfully. Then she heard footsteps. "Look, Jade, I think there's someone coming. I love you".

The door of the basement opened and Sacha was standing there again, this time with someone else behind her. The man walked in. It was Sam. "Hello Leigh-Anne" He said smiling.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" She said.

"You took my girlfriend. Now you're going to pay" He said, still smiling maliciously.

"H-how? And I didn't take her, she left you before anything happened between us! She didn't know how I felt! She left you because you were a prick to her!"

"Shut the fuck up!" He shouted. He sat down next to Leigh-Anne, and pressed a hand down hard on her broken leg. She cried out, causing him to laugh and do it harder.

"This is going to be a FUN night!" He said as he reached for the button of her shorts.

"No! Please!" Leigh-Anne screamed.

A/N: Another short chapter. Anyway, I'd just like to say that this is completely fictional, and I don't see Sam as abusive or a rapist or anything else he might do in this story, I don't know much about him, but him and Jade look really cute together.

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