Chapter 5- The First Kiss

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A/N: So yeah, this is quite a long chapter. There is some bad language, just a warning. Enjoy :)

Three days later, things seemed to be going well for Little Mix. They had come up with some plans to regain the attention of their old fans, and had got in contact with Tulisa, who had agreed to do whatever she could to help them. They had also reactivated the groups' old Twitter account, telling all the Mixers that they were back, and they were planning to record some covers to post on Youtube, and maybe try writing some songs.

Things between Leigh-Anne and Jade had been... awkward. Leigh had tried to act the same around Jade as she had before, but Jade had been so weird since she came out. Leigh-Anne had been scared to tell the girls that she was gay, but even then she thought they would accept her. Who would've known that Jade was homophobic? Or that's how Leigh saw it, why else would she be avoiding her like this?

Jade wasn't exactly being rude to Leigh-Anne; she wasn't even spending enough time near her for that. She had barely acknowledged her. The truth was, Jade was scared. She wasn't scared of Leigh exactly, or the fact that she was gay. She was scared of herself and her feelings. She knew she had feelings for Leigh-Anne, and that probably meant she was bisexual, as she did like guys too. What did that mean for her relationship with Sam? How would he feel about it? Would he want a girlfriend that also liked girls? More importantly, did she really want to be with him? if it was a choice between him and Leigh-Anne, who would she choose? He had already been annoyed by the fact that she had been spending most of her time with the girls lately, and in one argument he even suggested that she should leave the band.

Of course, the other girls had noticed the weirdness between them. That morning, Jesy and Perrie were in Jade's kitchen making breakfast when Jesy said "Pez, have you noticed anything different with Jade lately?"

"Yeah I have baba, I don't know what it is but she's just been less... Jade. She's fine in one-to-one conversations with me, but whenever we're all together she's so quiet, I can't work out what the problem is" Perrie replied.

"I don't know, she's been fine with me too. She was actually ok yesterday when we were both with her watching TV yesterday, but when Leigh walked in she was so weird, she just stopped talking and a few minutes later she mumbled some excuse and left the room" Jesy told her.

"We both share rooms with one of them, maybe we should ask tonight" Perrie suggested.

"Yeah we should. Anyway we have singing to do, so they'd better be normal for now!" Jesy said.

That afternoon was productive. The girls recorded an acoustic cover of Rihanna's Diamonds, which they then uploaded to Youtube, and the fans loved it.

"I think we might have some of our Mixers back" Leigh smiled.

After their recording session, Perrie was on the phone to Zayn and Jesy had gone out, leaving Jade and Leigh-Anne alone in the sitting room. "That went well" Leigh said in an attempt to have a normal conversation with Jade.

"Yeah" Jade said, forcing a small smile. She left the room. That's it, Leigh thought. She has a problem with me being gay.

I can't do this anymore, Jade thought. I can't be around her. She's done nothing wrong, but when she looks at me like that... I can't take it. She's so perfect. Her eyes. Her hair, the way the curls frame her face. Her body; that time she was wearing those tiny shorts and that crop top I couldn't stop staring. That smile, those lips. The way I want to kiss them. Snap out of it! You have a boyfriend. A boyfriend you should be with right now instead of fantasising over some girl. A girl! You're not like her, you're straight. You're normal!

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