Chapter 9- Everyone Knows

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The next day all 4 of the girls were sitting in Perrie's car on the way back from the recording studio. Perrie was driving, with Jesy sitting next to her in the front, and Leigh-Anne and Jade were sitting in the back holding hands. Throughout the day the two of them had been shooting eachother glances, which caused Jade to look down uncomfortably and let out a tiny giggle, and Leigh-Anne to blush, her cheeks almost the colour of Jesy's red patent Dr Martens. This hadn't gone unnoticed by the other two; Jesy had noticed straight away, and even Perrie could sense the cute awkwardness. Jesy had asked Leigh what had happened the night before, but soon after Leigh started to explain she had realised she didn't want to know the details. Leigh knew Jesy would tease her to death about it later.

Leigh scrolled casually through the website of a celebrity gossip magazine on her phone, knowing that most of what she read was lies. She shook her head as she saw the headline "Justin Bieber lashes out at paparazzi again". When will they give the poor boy a break? she thought. "Harry Styles is seen in New York with mystery older brunette". Leigh looked at the woman and actually laughed out loud. That was Harry's mum!

She scrolled down a bit more, and saw that the next headline was "Supposed date photos of girlband members spark gay rumours". Leigh sighed. The Little Mix girls went out in pairs all the time, that didn't mean they were dating (although her and Jade were), and she guessed it was the same with members of any band. Her curiosity got the better of her, though, and she clicked on the article to see who it was.

"It's been reported that Little Mix band members Jade Thirlwall and Leigh-Anne Pinnock been spotted on dates together. The pictures below show the two hugging, holding hands and kissing in a few different places"

What?! Leigh thought, desperately trying to stay calm as she read the rest of the article so she didn't freak the others out. She knew it would only be a matter of time before the press found out, but why now? She had hoped that her and Jade would have a few more months of privacy in their relationship before the world knew.

She scrolled down, and saw a picture of her and Jade pulling eachother close together, laughing and staring into eachother's eyes, as they walked home after a night out. Next to it was one of them kissing at the cinema a week ago. As she read the article she saw more and more of these photos. What were they going to do? Leigh-Anne knew she had to stay calm.

"Guys?" You might want to read this" she said, her voice shaking. She passed the phone to Jesy, who read the article out. For a moment the car was silent.

"What are we gonna do?" Jade whispered.

"I don't know" Leigh-Anne said worriedly.

"Do you think we should ask management first?" Jade asked her.

"NO!" Leigh exclaimed, making everyone else in the car jump. "Sorry. I mean, it's just... they'll tell us to deny it, and get us fake boyfriends. I know they will! Jade, they might even make us break up!" She said, holding back tears.

"Guys, calm down! This is bad, but we'll sort it out. When we get back" Jesy told them. "If you don't want to talk to management I won't make you, but if they get in touch you'll have to listen to them"

"I know Jess, I'm going to sort this out how I want to before they come in and try to control us"

"I understand Leigh. Just don't get us in trouble, please" Perrie told her.

"I won't, don't worry" She reassured them.

When they got back, all four girls went to Leigh-Anne and Jesy's apartment and sat around discussing what to do.

"You know, most of the fans will be fine with it. They ship us in all kind of combinations. You should see some of the fanfictions" Perrie said.

"That's true, but some will mind. And then there's the parents of the younger fans, some of them might not let their kids listen to our music if two of us are gay" Jade reminded her.

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