Chapter 5 -Raleigh

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"But yeah, he was really cute. Kinda sweaty, but that probably means he was exercising..." I remarked as I chewed on a pretzel. We were all propped up on our elbows on the carpet in my tiny room.

"Any other descriptors..?" said Bridget?

"Yeah! For real! What kind of detail is that. We're talking cute boys here, " exclaimed Keiko. 

"I don't know. I mean, like, the first day he asked for a linguistics book and then disappeared into the back somewhere."

"Linguistics, huh?" questioned Bridget.

"Yep. I gave him this one on how the United States has changed the English language, or whatever. Didn't seem very interesting, actually," I stated, really trying to focus on my chem packet, with no success. I just kept rethinking the moment when he walked in. Trying not to blush.

"It's just that...Linguistics...It reminds me of..." said Bridget, trailing off.

"What?" asked Keiko.

"Nothing. Never mind. What'd you guys get on number 14?" snapped Bridget, clearly wanting to change the topic.


....bbzzttttttt.... I rolled over and rubbed my eyes, checking the clock next to my bed: 3:27 am. What could someone possibly need at this ungodly hour? I picked up my phone and saw that I had just received a text from Bridget. Huh. She usually goes to bed at like 9:30. How strange, I thought. I entered my passcode and unlocked the phone. 

3:14 am, Bridge: hey

3:21 am, Bridge: uh can i ask you a question please

3:27 am, Bridge: you know what never mind im sorry for waking you up

These messages were very odd and I had never gotten anything like them from Bridget before. At first, I thought that she might have been asking for help on our AP lit assignment, but then I realized that it wasn't like her to be working that late. She finished everything before she read for a minimum of two hours before falling asleep, always. Maybe I'm thinking too hard about this, I pondered while yawning. My eyelids began to droop again and I fell asleep once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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