Chapter 16:Unfair

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Guys,Just to remind you the first 2 chapters are just an introduction of me and not the story.I'm sorry for the messy plot on some of the first chapters.But just one favor please.COMMENTS ARE MY BREAKFAST.
Don't make me skinny even if I want to.

If you don't comment,Baekhyun won't be able to buy Nutella anymore.He needs nutella for his ______. OK! Bye!


Chanyeol's P.O.V.

*Yoona,where are you?*

I don't know where I could find her.If only I was with her.If only I didn't talk to Penelope.If only she didn't transfer here.

Wait.... Where is she anyways?It's none of my business.I need to where Yoona is...

Another Person's P.O.V.

*Joy's dead,Sunji's nowhere to be found.Who's next?*

Just wait before your friends die without you even thinking about me,Yoona.

You took everything away from me,so I'll return the favor twice.

I just got lucky.I didn't even plan about Sunji's death.Well,yeah.Maybe she's just a friend who is willing to take the responsibility for Yoona.Well no one kniws if she might still be alive.

Such a good friend tho.Maybe that's why she got taken.I'll just think of it that way.

Penelope's P.O.V.

I'd rather die than getting rejected by Chanyeol.Now I know how it feels to be rejected.Just like the feeling I gave to him.I decided to get up and stop sobbing like there's no tomorrow.

I just happened to see Yoona's backpack not zippered properly.I peeked inside and saw a mini teddy bear.And there was a note that shocked me.Well might as use this for evidence.

I went to the girls and eat lunch with them.Gladly,no one recognized the doll I was holding the whole time.

Baekhyun and Yoona happen to be not in afternoon class today.But the guys also happen to go to somewhere.Maybe rehearsals for their upcoming concert or maybe even a comeback.

(A/N:Fangirl mode.....Sing For You!!)

I waited till dismissal arrived and went home to plan things up.

This is surely gonna be a heck of a year.

The next day was just simple for me.But Baekhyun isn't still attending class.I tried to talk to one of them,but they just keep on ignoring me.

After another day of waiting,Baekhyun already showed up.

Well something wasn't right even if he attended.Yoona isn't here.I thought they were busy,but why does Yoona keep being involve?

Baekhyun's P.O.V.

All of the guys kept asking me about Yoona.Sehun and Chanyeol keep on staring at me.I tried to avert their stares,but it just made things worse.

We can't even contact Yoona.We tried to reach her dad,but her dad was also worried of her.

Never in my life I've been this attached to a girl.Yoona is the first one to make my heart flutter.

My parents were always on business.Everytime I would ask them to stay with me.They would just say that the things that they are doing are all for me.

Yoona became the one who gave me love that I never got before.

I can't do this.Chanyeol's his boyfriend.Sehun likes her.Here I am just a boy who can never be as good as those 2.

Mr.Charles's P.O.V. (Yoona's Dad)

"I'm sorry,Yoona.If I was just there to help you.You wouldn't be in this situation."

"No dad.It's okay,I just want to be alone for a while.Just give me some time."

"Don't you want to meet the boys?Where are you?"

"Dad I need some time.I'llcme back if I'm ready.The boys know what to do.I cannot be always by their sides.They need to do things on their own."

"Well,if that makes you better then I'll make this pass,but come back.Okay..."

"I will,Dad"

Where could she be?There's only one place where she would go if she's lonely.

Xiumin's P.O.V.

"Yah,Yoona.What are you doing here? the sun's setting already"

"H-how?" She should've seen her face.I swear I'm really laughing out loud inside. "Yah,how can I not know? You would always go here when your worried."

"Your my cousin.Of course I would know.Duh.." I continued.

"But Oppa-" "I've always spy on you since we were young.I kind of got addicted so I would always stalk you." Gosh!! I would surely be tease today.Ughh... I thought she would laugh at me but......


"For what?"

"For saving me.." Huh? How?

"Thanks for making me open my eyes and making me see the real world with you guys.Even if your my cousin,I know you will always be on my side.I didn't know how to live anymore when my mom died.Now she's here,I can only touch her name.I can only visit her.But you,all of you made me happy again." Well,that was dramatic.

"Well,welcome...Hehe." Ughh,what do I say.Seeing her sit beside her mom's grave is so awkward.I'm sorry Mrs.Yoon. "Come on,let's get you home.Many people needs you.And of course one of them is me." "No,I need some time away from you." "But why?"

"I'll tell you in the right time."

"Where did you stay for the past days.I'll give you a ride and I mean it." She looked at me with a worried look.

"Come on,I wouldn't tell him" She just made a more worried look. "Okay,all of them.I wouldn't tell it to anybody." She then gave me a half smile.

We rode the car.She told me that she was staying in a hotel that they own.Well,nice choice Yoon Yoona.You think your father won't find about this.

My thoughts then were disrupted by her unending questions.

"How did you skip practice?And your members?What did you tell them?How did you skip all of the sasaengs?Don't tell me you lied!!Dont tell me you also skip sch-"

"Yah,one at a time.First,we don't have practice.Second,I told them an emergency happened.Third,I skip all sasaengs because of disguise.And fourth,I finished school before coming here"

"Good..." What I explained everything and that's the reply that I get.How Nice.....

We arrived and I accompanied her to her room.We were on the elevator.And I was actually itching to ask her this question.

"Yoona,perhaps do you like Baekhyun.Or Sehun.I know Chanyeol is your boyfriend,but it's just weird to see 3 of the members.Uhmm.....having a crush on you?"

"Well,it's a long story.But I know faith will give me the right person."

I went home after seeing her go inside her room.Well a good question gets a nice answer after all.

2 days after.....

"Hi,I'm back!!"

A/N:Hey guys!! First,congrats on EXO's "Sing For You". For people saying EXO copied the fighting scene.No way,Get a life people!! EXO is more hardworking to get a million views in 10 hrs. of release.Well it really is an OT12 song.Stop crying guys.We have to move on,because EXOLuxioninManila will start selling tickets on sunday.Hope to get tickets.Follow EXO on V app!

Oh,before I forget,Xiumin is Yoona's cousin.I finally introduced Yoona's dad,Mr.Charles.And Xiumin and Yoona were in the cemetery that time.

To my brother:You better get there early or else I'll kill you!! Bwahaha!

Well this is really long so



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