Chapter 18:The First Snow

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Chanyeol's P.O.V.

I can't do this anymore.I won't let history repeat itself.

After Baekhyun was done screaming,all of us were left in confusion.

"Yah,What did you do?! Huh! Aren't you suppose to protect her?!" Chen stood up and grabbed Baekhyun's collar.

"I'm sorry.. I can't do this anymore.I'm leaving so you won't be bothered anymore." Baekhyun replied.

"Yah! What are you saying?! We can't let that happen?! You're EXO's Baekhyun! What has gotten into you?!" Our leader,Suho said angrily.

"I can't let our fans be dissapointed.Look at us now.... We are all fighting now.I don't want to be a bother to all of you.So that's why,I'm making this decision for all of us." Baekhyun said tearing up.

They are in the midst of arguing with each other,so I went out to find Yoona.

I saw her crying at her usual place.It is even the place where I got my first heartbreak.

I went by her side and took off my coat and placed it on her shoulders.

I can still hear her sobs even if she doesn't tell me.

"Yoona,I have something to tell you." I started. "Me too." I was a bit surprised to hear her reply and she rose her head to me.I can see her eyes getting red because of crying.

"Let's break up."

Three words that came out of our mouth at the same time.

Before I can even hold her hand she went out running trying to not make a tear fall.

I was left there kneeling as the first snow of December fell on my hands..................

Yoona's P.O.V.

I've been thinking about this for a long time.I've done so many things.

Making them worry.

Being friends with them.

Dating Chanyeol.

But falling for three of them was my biggest mistake.

"Let's break up."

I've said it.It's done.

I ran out of the rooftop to not cause trouble anymore.

But I felt someone grab a hold of me.

I quickly went to see who it is and I found Sehun.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed while tears fell from my face to his hand."Your not supposed to be in here,just go back to your members."

"What happened to you?" He asked as he tightened his grip on my wrist.

"I-I broke up with him." I said as I fell into his shoulder and cried my life out.

Sehun's P.O.V.

Sh-she broke up with him?What the hell did happen to both of them.I knew it.Chanyeol wouldn't have the courage to protect her.

"It's okay..." I muttered even if it's really not okay.

Her sobs just got louder so I hugged her.But the moment it happened,Baekhyun suddenly appeared.

"What happened?" He asked. "I'll explain later,but let's take Yoona home first." I replied and he just nodded.

We helped Yoona get up and rode my car to their house.Their maids helped us as soon as we got to their door.

"What happened to Yoona?" A woman in her mid-40s asked me when we got in as other maids helped us to carry Yoona.

"A long story happened this day.She just collapsed and started to be feverish.I'm sorry to ask,but are you her mother?" I asked as she made us sit down the couch while Yoona was carried to her room.

"If you don't want to tell me,it's fine.Yoona became feverish because if she cries too much,she would have a high fever if she's really hurt.She would always be like that.You don't have to worry cause I'm not her mother.I'm the woman who took care of her even before she was born.I'm her aunt.The alst time she became like that was when her mother passed away." Her face started to be gloomy by remembering the past.

Yoona's mother died?She didn't tell is about this.So she is the aunt who Yoona always talks about.

Her aunt is really nice so maybe that's why she's close to her.Yoona would always say that they would do things together always.It was like she was Yoona's older sister.

"Well,we also don't know the whole story,we just saw her crying then she collapsed.You may be really close to her,because she always talk about you." Baekhyun replied instead of me.

The woman just chuckled and told us to come with her to Yoona's room.

"This kid is really nice.She loss her mother in a flash because of an incident that her playmate cause.She was a bright kid.But she got this kind of sickness when her mother died.And that's why she is protected so much."

"I'm sorry,but playmate?" I asked her and she nodded in reply. "Yoona abd her playmate named....uhm..." She tried to remembered and both of us got curious.

"If I were right,the girl's name would be Penelope.They were both so youmg back then.Yoona's mom was in the car with Yoona,Penelope and Penelope's dad.Penelope's dad was a business partner of the Yoon family.So Penelope's dad asked for a trip to an amusement park.They were in the car and Penelope ws in the front seat with her dad.Penelope got irritated and became playful so she grab the wheel and played with it,but her dad didn't realized that they were following a construction truck full of long metal sticks." Both of us were left in awe and confusion so we decided to hear some more.

"The car got in to an accident with the truck and Yoona's mom got pierced through the heart,Penelope's dad was hit slightly on the arm,Penelope was hit on the leg,while Yoona was hit slightly on her abdomen.Yoona was the first one to gain consciousness.She saw her mom spilling blood,so she got traumatized.The Yoona company let go of being a partner with the Royal company that Penelope's family own.Penelope's family went to another neighborhood so that both of them will not meet each other."

So that's why Yoona has a scar on her stomach when she went to class earlier.

I excused myself to both of them to call the others.Baekhyun was left in Yoona's room to take care of her.

The others went in a hurry.I told them everything I knew.

"I knew it." Luhan declared. "What?" Our leader Kris asked. "Not only Yoona was traumatized,but also Penelope.The news spreaded out the whole nation.Penelope got treated badly because of the mistake she cause.She got traumatized and became a girl who ruined lives of others."

"Then this is all connected." Suho said. "The mistake happened years ago,Then Penelope came back as a bad person and met Hyeri.Both of them got kicked out and transferred to our school.She played with the 3 of you.She knew about Yoona.She made all of this connect together.And now Yoona is suffering,because Penelope wanted revenge."

All of us were left in awe.But then Yoona woke up.She was really in a fever.So she needs to take arest,but she kept repeating 'I'm sorry' until she fell asleep.

But why?Why does Penelope need to involve EXO? Did we do something bad to her in the past?


A/N:Hey guys! Merry Christmas!!

The ticketing for EXOLuxioninManila D2 will start tomorrow.Good luck guys!

EXO will appear in KBS Music Bank Year end special later at 6:30 pm KST,I think....And on V app at 9 pm KST later also.

So let's enjoy the day and the last days of 2015!!!



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