Chapter 17:History

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Third Person's P.O.V.

"Hi,I'm back!!"

The boys checked out the girl.Some of them looked really flustered about what they saw.She seems really familiar to them.

Kai obviously went to her side and put his arm around her shoulder. "Hi,I'm Kai and I'm your destiny."

But the girl just rolled her eyes at him.D.O. went beside her and removed Kai's hand.

"I'm taking the responsibility for my brother.I'm sorry if he scared you.He's just kidding." D.O. mumbled trying to be formal as he can. "Oh,no need.I'm used to it." The newbie replied.

"Uhm,used?" Chen questioned while the girl just nodded. "You look familiar or is it just me?" Lay asked.

Chanyeol stood up from his chair and started to walk around the girl in confusion. "No Lay,it's just not you."

Baekhyun took the chance to make a move to see whom she is.

"So,if you know us then will you let me ask questions?" The girl chuckled and nodded. "First,who snores the most? Second,who takes a shower always. Third,who is afraid of the dark? Fourth,who screams the most? and lastly,who is the most important girl to us?"

"Well,thank you for the questions Mr.Puppy Byun.First is Kai.Second well of course it's Lay.Third and fourth would always be Tao.And fifth is ME."

The boys' eyebrows furrowed by her answers.All of them exchanged looks until it all turned to Suho.Suho groaned but just agreed.

"What makes you so sure?"

"I caught Kai snoring in class last time before I disappeared.Lay will always be late for school,because you told me that he's still in the shower.Then we went to a haunted house when you treated me a day in here at Seoul.He screamed the most.And he would always stick to Kris because he's afraid of the dark.Lastly,I'm not overconfident but if it's not your parents.All of you prised me that you'll protect me.So yeah,I'm YOON YOONA..."

Silence followed the whole room while the students stared at the girl who is called "Yoona ver.2.0"

"No,you're not the Yoona we used to know." Sehun mumbled then he continued. "Long ombre blonde locks,short skirt,cropped uniform top,6 inch high heels,and full heavy makeup? No.... Why?"

"Sehun,it's not funny.." Yoona began to tear up. "I'm not joking,Yoona."

Yoona then went running out of the room.They all just stared at Sehun.

Sehun who is not even feeling any guilt.Just sat at his chair and stared at his hyungs.

The older ones cannot even scold the youngest as they also see that he is right.Chanyeol and Baekhyun tried to follow Yoona,but the others restrained them from going out of the room.

Baekhyun kept screaming for Yoona's name.Wishing for her to come back.

Baekhyun's P.O.V.

"Yoona,I'm sorry!! I'm really sorry! Yoona,come back!!"

I'm so sorry Yoona.It's me.I'm the one who made it hard for you all this time.

I'm the one who should be at fault and not you.

If I hadn't confessed to you then things would be just right.I shouldn't have made it worse.

History comes by and even repeats itself.

This already happened to Chanyeol,Sehun,and me.Just because of 1 girl.


The day we met Penelope,Chanyeol already fell for her.She then came with her bestfriend since kindergarten,Hyeri.At first,they were both nice to us.Penelope accepted Chanyeol to her life.Hyeri then came to Sehun's life.But one day,I caught Penelope flirting with Sehun.I took pictures of them together and showed them to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol got furious and attacked Sehun like a wolf without making Sehun explain.Sehun then found out that it was me who took the pictures.

All things messed up,but all of us got accepted to SM that time.We trained together,but the friendship between the 3 of us got lost just because of her.

Luhan then found out that Hyeri and Penelope were the biggest villains of their old school.Penelope was from one of the richest families in Japan.Hyeri was the heir of one family which is a business partner of Penelope's family.

Both of them were meant to be friends with each other.Both of them ruined the lives of outcasts.And also build many outscasts lives.They got kicked out of the school even if their parents were rich.Well the school is richer.

Chanyeol ignored Sehun.Sehun didn't mind me.I don't know what to do anymore at that time until Penelope asked Chanyeol to see her at the rooftop.

The known motto "We Are One" is already invented by us since we were young.Well we are one so we went to eavesdrop both of them.But after they talked for awhile Penelope started to run away from him.Chanyeol was caught there crying with something on his hand.He threw it to the ground after we went to see him.

He became miserable.He would skip school to play games on arcades.His sideline was to be a gangster until Sehun talked to him.

They both came back to normal after that.Chanyeol continued to train at SM.But not for me.I'm still the bad one up till now.We always keep our arguement by the side when we perform.Even if people see us as a triplet shippings.It doesn't change the things that happen.

Yoona came and went to ease down the relationship between all of us.She is the one who broke the wall between me and my members.I'm not the distant one anymore.

But history tries to repeat itself again,but I won't let that happen.

A/N:Hey guys!!

I didn't open twitter since the day EXOLuxioninManila released tickets.Up till now,the exact time is 11:51.Hahaha I really got the time.And I saw that EXO will have a 2 night concert. The moment I found out,I'm sorry but I really cursed.But not that much of a curse.

I desperately need to go there.I need to see my suitors.Time is getting really short.And I need to answer who will I pick with all 9 of them hahahaha!!!!


Okay..But,did you already watch EXO's "Unfair" live.The broadcast they did today was really cute.And of course,Kai in specs is killing me.

Baekhyun would be the cutest doctor and I would like to get sick all day if that's what it takes to see him.And I'd rather get fat just to eat what Chanyeol cooks for me.Hhahaha it's really long tiday because I got super hyped.So yeah!!



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