Chapter 10 (Percy Jackson)

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"Oh, look at this!" Annabeth screamed, pointing at a passage in the book. We had looked at Hogwarts: A History for a couple hours until we got another book, the one we were reading now. "It reads, 'The Chamber was opened once before, said to be opened by the heir of Slytherin. It was said to contain a Basilisk, a serpent of awesome proportions. Its direct stare kills humans.'"

"Then why is it dead? The book never said that they killed it," I asked. Most everyone had gone to bed, except for The Doctor, Clara, and four other boys.

A boy with black hair and glasses glanced at us. "So, you want to know how the Basilisk is dead?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure," I said.

"I killed it," he said nonchalantly.

"A thirteen year-old boy killed a giant snake?" Annabeth asked, jaw hanging open.

"No, he killed it last year, when we were twelve," a ginger boy sitting across from the boy with black hair said. They seemed to be playing some type of chess, except things on the board were exploding.

"You're kidding me," Annabeth said. "I didn't go on a quest until I met him." She nudged me with her elbow when she said this.

"Yeah, and he broke the Philosopher's Stone when he was eleven," another ginger boy said.

How many ginger boys are here? I thought. It's getting overwhelming.

"So, you've destroyed the Philosopher's Stone and killed a Basilisk," I summarized. "What's next, flying off with the hippogrif?"

"Already have done that," he said. "How do you know about the hippogrif?"

"Uh... don't mind that," Grover said. This clearly didn't convince the boy.

I quickly changed the subject. "So, what's your names?"

"I'm Harry. This is Ron." He pointed at the boy he was playing chess with.

"I'm Fred," one ginger boy said.

"No, I'm Fred," another ginger boy that looked exactly like him said. "You call yourself my brother!" They both burst out laughing.

Gods, how many ginger people are here? I asked myself.


Harry Potter-Doctor Who-Percy Jackson Crossover [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now