My Angel. {Bokuto x reader}

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Hoot hoot.



Being the Fukurodani team manager every guy at the highschool had their eyes on you.

Even Bokuto.

The AirHead.

But, you were oblivious of it, and you always did your corresponding work.

When you were at games, he would always try his best to impress you.

If it was making an awesome serve or making a good attack, he always did his best.

For you.

When you were around and Bokuto was talking about you, his keyword with Akaashi would be 'Angel'. Because thats what you were to him.

An Angel.

But one day during volleyball camp, you happened to hear Bokuto talk about an 'Angel'.

You were curious about this quote on quote Angel person, so you snooped around for some leading clues.

But inevitably failing.

So you went up to the dynamic duo, and asked them.

"Hey, Bokuto-san." you greeted.

He whipped his head around and saw you.

He turned beet red and became flustered.

"Oh-ohayo (y/n)-chan!" he yelled.

You giggled and smiled at him.

"I have a question for you..." you pondered.

He became still and nodded slowly for you to continue.

"Do you know who the 'Angel' person is?" you questioned.

He flinched and shook his head viciously.

"N-NO I DON'T! SOrrY (y/n)-chan!" he shook nervously but you just shrugged it off.

"Ok then, I'll just ask Akaashi then-" he cut you off and pulled you into a hug.

You felt awkward for a moment because your face was squashed against his chest.

"Uh, Koutarou?" you looked up to see him red again.


"Can i talk to Akaashi?"


"Why not?"


"Because?" you trailed off.

"Because you're my Angel."

You flinched and blushed madly, so did bokuto.

"W-what?" You wanted to know what he said was true, were you 'Angel' he talked about?

"Yo-you're my An-angel (y/n)-chan..." He buried his bead in the crook of your neck, flustered from confessing.

You lightly patted his head and smiled softly. "You're such a cutie Bokuto, why didn't you just tell me before?" You asked.

He scratched the back of his neck, flushed "I was nervous that you would reject me or something, since you are the prettiest girl here at Fukurodani."

You gaped, and blushed lightly.

"I'm not that pre-" he clamped your mouth as his face had a scowl and was beet red.

"oF COURSE YOU ARE (Y/N)-CHAN! dOn'T SAY THAT yOU ArEN'T!" He yelled, you were shocked at his outburst.

"T-thank you, Bokuto."

"So will you go out with me?" He asked nervously. You nodded and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Of course, you're handsome gentleman who asked kindly after all." You complimented. He became even more flustered.

Making you known as the 'Flustered Couple' on the year book.

Thanks to Akaashi.


Hehe bokuto is such a cutie pie.

I hoped you guys liked this one, give it a vote if ya like.

And thanks for reading!


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