Highlights. {Nishinoya x reader}

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Cutie noya~



"Please (l/n)-san! Please come with me!"

The small libero swung your arm all over the place as he wanted you to join him to go over to Tanaka's to get his highlight bleached again because his roots were starting to show again.

You sigh and then give him a small smile.

"If that's what you want then, then let's go nishinoya-senpai."

He grins happily and drags you behind him and he speed walked over to Tanaka's.

*Time skip~*

He sat on the wooden stool as he leaned his head back to get it washed by saeko. He grins and sighs happily and then snoozes falling asleep as saeko massaged his scalp with the soap.

"What about you (y/n)-chan? Don't you wanna dye your hair?" Saeko said with a smirk. You laugh nervously and shake your head sadly.

"It won't look good on me. Trust me."

You see her pout and speak again.

"C'mon (y/n)-chan, don't be a hair virgin. Dye your hair! Maybe it'll look really good! And if not you could always re-dye it to your natural hair color y'know.."

She did have a point.

You sigh and then smile nervously.

"F-fine, but nishinoya-senpai can't see until its done." You stutter, his eyes shot open as he heard his name.

"I heard my name! What happ-" he raised his head but then was pulled down roughly by saeko.

"Keep your head down idiot! I'm about to apply the bleach to your hair."

He nodded and stayed still.

You waited patiently scrolling through your phone; looking at hairstyles that you liked, and wanted.

"Found one you like (y/n)-chan?" You hear saeko ask. You nodded and giggle happily.


Soon saeko finished with noya and blow dried his hair and sent him off to go and join Tanaka in the living room.

"So what's the style like?" She asks. You show her a picture on your phone with a blush tinting the tip of your ears.

"Oh its gonna look awesome on you (y/n)-chan, trust me on this one."

She sits you on the stool and begins the same process as she did with his nishinoya.

*an hour later~*

She finished blow drying your now blonde and (hair color) locks and comb through it to make it look nice and neat.

She gave you a mirror and smiled.

"Do you like it?"

You nodded and smiled brightly.

"Yeah, thanks saeko." You sat up and hugged saeko unexpectedly, she laughed and hugged you back.

"I declare you now and non-hair virgin!"

You laugh and walk out to the living room and see the two boys playing video games.

"Imma go now nishinoya-senpai." You talk catching his attention, he looks up and his eyes are glued onto your hair.

"Y-you dyed your hair (l/n)-san?"

You nodded meekly as a blush covered your face.

"Does it look ok?" You ask shyly.

He stands up and smiles brightly.

"You look amazing! Doesn't she look great ryu?!" He asks excitedly, Tanaka nods furiously and high fives you.

"You look cool (l/n)-san!" You thank them, nishinoya grabs onto your hand and began marching out of the house.

"I can't let a beauty walk by herself at this time of night!"

You giggle and walk with him.

"Thanks senpai."


Aww what a cutie lil noya can be. Anyways, I have nothing to say today. And the next chaptah will be the last part of the three part series for Tanaka I swear.

I hope you enjoyed it and if you did please give it a vote!

And have a nice day/night.


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