Empire Ants. {Iwaizumi x Reader}

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i luv luv Gorillaz.


You sat in Iwaizumi's car as the two of you drove in the night and your surroundings were nothing but greenery and empty.

No civilization, no people. Just nature at its finest.

You stared out the window as you had your arms folded on the windowsill of the car and laid your head on them.

Iwaizumi stared at the road and every now and then he would look at you and wonder what you were thinking about.

The reason behind the late night drive was that you two had a fight, but, you both got over it for a while, and Iwaizumi offered you a late night stroll in his car.

You couldn't say no, you loved him and you did want to take your mind off things and it was the perfect chance.

The car radio played music quietly and Iwaizumi eyed the volume key and reached over to turn it up a bit.

"Oh joy's arise The sun has come again to hold you Sailing out the doldrums of the whole week" Iwaizumi's voice sang along quietly. He enjoyed this song, and its soothing rythm. Your ears perked up at the sound of him singing.

His voice was rough but gentle. You remember the times he would sing and it caused you smile and blush and bury your face into your arms.

"The polyphonic prairies here, it's all around you It's all around you, out here And if the whole world is crashing down Fall through space out of mind again..." he sang again. He looked over to see if caused a reaction but saw you still looking out the window although he noticed a small tint of pink on your cheeks in the darkness of the night that was illuminated by the full moons light.

"Where the emptiness we leave behind on warm air rising Blows all the shadows far away The falling alcohol empire, is here to hold you Rolling out and haunted 'til it sleeps.." He sang once again,he hoped you sang the next part because he knew you always did but he was afraid you might not, because you might still be hurt about what happened a while ago.

"Little memories, marching on
Your little feet, working the machine Will it spin, will it soar My little dream, working the machine Soon like..." you sang quietly. Iwaizumi looked over in surprise with a small blush dustedon his cheeks and ears.

"a wave that pass will fall And closing in on you they're going on..." you turned around and faced Hajime with the cutest smile you could muster to him. You felt a little tired but the song did uplift you up.

"Little memories Your little feet, working the machine Will it spin, will it soar My little dream, working the machine Soon like a wave that pass will fall And closing in on you they're going on..." you finished with your eyes closed. By the time you were done you noticed you were near his house and that confused you. He pulled up to his drive way and parked his car in the drive way.

You took off your seat belt and before you could even look at him you felt a warm pair of lips on yours and you didn't even have to question who it was because you already knew who it was.

He placed his hands on the side of your face and pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead against yours. You could hear his shallow breaths quietly, and it was so silent you could hear your heartbeat pulsing.

He always made you feel so special you couldn't really understand how and the same with him. In the back of his mind he knew the argument was so stupid he didn't even understand how it even started in the first place.

You grasped his hands and leaned in to give him and another peck on the lips. It was sweet and gentle, but oh how iwaizumi wanted more. Your lips were the best and the sweetest thing ever that it could beat chocolate or any other sweet any day.

He pulled away to only open his car door and jog over to yours and let you out to only have him sweep you off your feet.

You yelped in surprised as a blush covered your cheeks in embarrassment. He never failed to make you feel this way as well as vice versa.

He walked over to his door and you giggled as the door ruined the moment. You grabbed his keys from his belt loop and unhinged them and pushed the key in as he still had you held in his grasp.

You twisted the key and unlocked the door and iwaizumi didn't hesitate to kick the door open which made you giggle.

"So manly~." You chimmed.

Iwaizumi pouted with a blush covering his cheeks.

But then a small smirk made its way on to his lips, "only for you (y/n)." You smiled happily as iwaizumi continued to walk to his bedroom. He gently laid you on his bed to only surprise you and jump onto his bed.

You giggled even more as iwaizumi peppered your face in kisses. He pulled away as a genuine smiled grew on his lips as well as his cheeks were tinted a light pink.

You sighed happily at iwaizumi and brush pass the fact that you two had a fight a few hours ago. He pulled you into his strong and warm hug and craddled his face into your neck.

He was the big spoon and you were the little spoon and that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside like he always did. 


Holy moley i suck you guys. Im sorry. I hoped you liked this shitty chapter, give it a vote if ya want and hopefully I'll see you guys next time.


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