Nervous. {Yamaguchi x reader}

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As you walked the busy halls of karasuno, you looked down to the ground and hoped for a nice day to happen.

You were new to the school, you had just transfered from Nekoma, and didn't know a single soul in the building.

You walked in quietly into your classroom and sat in your seat in the back. You saw a few of class mates arrive as well.

You believed the two who sat around you were named yamaguchi and tsukishima. You thought they were pretty funny.

They both had contrasting personalities.

You saw them take a seat and soon enough, class had begun.

What you didn't know was, that the boy had quite a heart swelling crush on you. Ever since you had arrived he felt his heart explode.

He immediately told his best friend about how adored her so much.

"Well then ask her out idiot." The blonde bluntly stated.

Tadashi deadpanned at his statement and smacked his arm.

"It's not that easy! You say it like you even have a girlfriend!"

"Shut up yamaguchi."

~Time skip~

Soon as a few weeks passed yamaguchi had grown a pair and planned it out perfectly.

After lunch.

He was gonna ask her out after lunch.

That's was today.

You arrived to your same destination a.k.a your plain old desk. You set out your things and was interrupted by a pair of hands that slammed against your desk causing you to yelp.

You look up and see the cute freckled boy that sat in front of you. You blush and swallow thickly.

"I'm sorry for scaring you (l/n)-san, but can you please please please please go out on a date with me?" He asked with his eyes shut tightly.

Your eyes widen at his sudden confession.

And then smile gently, you place your soft hands on top of his and speak.

"I'd love to, when?"

He looks up in surprise that the pretty girl had accepted and then soon began to stutter, until a hand smacked his back roughly.

"Speak up idiot. Don't confuse her." You see the blonde with a teasing smirk and he soon takes his seat and puts on his headphones.

"How a-about Friday?" He asked.

"Sure, I'm free."

"G-great! I'll see you after school then on Friday!"


Heeeyyy! Here's another one!

But anyways Happy 4th of July! That's if you live in America and if not, well then happy Monday!

I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did please give it a vote and comment some requests!


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