Time. {Kuroo x Reader}

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Get ready for a feels trip yo.

FYI you're both like 18 in this chapter so yeah.

And for those who are gonna say "deployment doesn't work like that." well yes, i know it doesn't work like that but i mixed interstellar and war, and the war lasted 16 years so just imagine that kuroo didnt get deployed.

; u ;



"I'm going off to war."

The heartbreaking news, that you were dreading to hear. Has finally came true.

Kuroo was going off to war.

You let your head go down, and you stared at the floor. Tears flooded your eyes. You didn't want to believe that this was true.

You walked away, and went up to your room.

Leaving a brokenhearted Kuroo behind.

He heard the door slam from up stairs. He ran his hands through his ebony colored hair. His eyes filled to the brim with tears.

He took a seat in the kitchen table that you two shared.

He took a deep breath letting all of it sink in to him. All he did was stare at the glossed cherry wood table, see small pools of tears dotted onto the table.

He tightened his fists, and slammed them against the table.

He sat there for a while, letting all of the warm memories flood his mind.

He sobbed quietly, not wanting to you to hear him cry in agony. His face was scrunched up in despair.

He wiped his nose, and sniffed a bit. He wiped all his tears away, and stood up and trudged to the room you two shared.

He stood at the front of the door, hearing your quiet weeps. He felt his heart being strangled.

He opened the door quietly, and saw you curled up underneath the crisp white sheets.

He walked over to you, and sat next to you. You moved away, making him feel worse than ever.

"(Y/n)..." He whispered hoping you would respond to him.

You hear him call out to you, but you didn't want to see him right now. You were too heartbroken to want to be even near him.

He sighed, and rolled you over to him. All you did was look up at him with tears all over your face.

"Don't do this to me (y/n)... You don't know how sad I am. You ignoring me, is making me feel even worse."

You closed your eyes, and turned away from him.

"Leave me alone!" You cried out. He stayed silent. Not wanting to leave your side.

"Don't do this... Please." You hear him whimper is distress. But you were just too upset. In a way you felt betrayed.

He takes out a watch and turns you back over to him, "Look, see this watch? This is the watch you'll keep," he shows you his other watch with a different time on it "and this is the watch I'll keep, see? It's a 15 hour difference." He smiled sadly.

(A/n where ever you live, you have a time zone. But as a default, I will put 15 because that's the difference where I live. :P all you need to do is do the math or look it up.)

You look at the watch he placed next to you, seeing it's small designs etched on it.

"We'll compare our times, once I get back..." He mumbled. You frowned and threw the watch across the room.

Haikyuu!! X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now