Bar.{Nishinoya x Drunk!reader}

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Requested by: Mari-Rua

Sorry this is super duper late there is NO excuse for it. But here it is!

I hope you like it!



You slammed another shot glass onto the bar table and sighed happily. You were at a get together with the karasuno team at a bar and well, things got out if hand with you drinking.

You were on your 10th shot of tequila. You have already drank around 8 bottles of beer as well.

Nishinoya was in charge of watching you because he knew once you had the alcohol going through your system you were going to turn into a mess.

"Y-you know noya?? You're pretty short for a handsome g-guy!" You sputtered. Noya chuckled and smiled.

"Oh really?"

You nodded furiously with a drunk blush covering your cheeks and the tips of your ears. You pointed a finger at the short libero and spoke.

"M-man, that's why I had a-a crush on y-you *hicup* y'know?" You hiccupped. Your sudden drunk confession caused the man to blush.

"Wait, so you like me?" Nishinoya asked with a small blush. Sure he was drinking but he wasn't getting shit faced like you.

"Y-yup. Ever since we were f-f-first years.." You murmured. You buried your head into your arms tiredly.

Yuu smiled nervously because he too had a crush on you as well. He didn't expect the confession to come out this way. He soon heard snoring coming out of your mouth and smiled softly.

Sure he did get taller ever since, he grew a lot taller than you expected but yet he was still shorter than you. He threw an arm around your shoulder and one of your arms on his shoulder.

"I'll take her home you guys. She's too wasted to go on by herself." He announced. The team nodded and bided their farewells and a safe nights rest as he walked out the bar carrying you with him.

Drool was coming out of your mouth as you snored peacefully, luckily for him you lived right next door to him. He walked quickly to your house to be greeted by your grey cat, who was waiting to be fed. He fished out your house keys from your front pocket and opened the door and dragged you to your room as the calm yet curious cat followed along.

He flipped the switch and walked you over to the bed, he laid you down carefully and saw that you immediately snuggled into your pillow. He snapped his fingers and looked for your blankets.

He looked in your closet and he didn't find any. He looked all of the place. He thought that maybe they were in your drawers.

Bad mistake.

He opened a wrong drawer and saw nothing but your panties and bras. His face exploded with embarrassment as he quietly closed the drawer. He then looked under your bed and saw a neatly folded blanket that was in a package and pulled it out. He took it out of the bag and draped it over you.

He saw a small smile from your lips as he saw you get comfortable. He turned on one of your table lamps and turned off the main light to leave you in a dimly lit room. He closed the door quietly and went to your kitchen to retrieve a pain killer and a bottle of water.

He opened the door again and settled it on the table next to your bed with a note. He leaned over and kissed the top of your head and whispered.

"Goodnight (y/n)."

He walked out your room and then remembered about your cat, whom was sitting next to its bowl waiting for its meal. He went back to your kitchen pantry and poured some of its food and water.

It purred happily and went to eat.

He sighed and wiped the small sweat from his forehead and walked out the house and to his, after an interesting night.

*time skip~*

You groaned and saw that you were in your room. A pounding headache from last nights events. You get up from your bed to see that you were still in last nights clothes and sighed.

You look to see a note, a bottle of water and a pain killer next to you. You picked up the note and saw it was from nishinoya.

'I carried you home last night, I fed your cat too :p I left you some pain killers and water for your hangover :) - noya :))'

You smiled lightly and mentally thanked him for his actions.

'Thank god for people like noya, I oughta thank him later..'


I will be uploadibg a bunch of part twos that y'all wanted so be ready! And i will be updating some of ny books that Ive been neglecting ; v ;.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one please give it a vote if you did and I'll see you guys next time!


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