Rehabilitation. {Depressed!hinata one shot }

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Lolol. This is to kinda get a similar idea as to how I've been feeling lately. And its not angst its like sad but with a little bit of humor in it so its not completely depressing.



Hinata woke up again feeling sad and depressed again. After the match against aoba johsai, he's been down in dumps alot. But what could he do?

What he did was a gamble.

A 50/50 chance.

he sighed quietly and rubbed his eyes and felt some dry tears rub off. He felt the familiar stinging sensation on his skin.

He stood up and stretched quietly since it was the weekend. His sister Natsu was still asleep but, that was okay, he wanted to be alone for abit.

His bare feet padded against the cool hardwood floor as he walked to his desk and saw the homework that was due when he came back. He sighed deeply again and walked out of his room and into the kitchen.

He opened his fridge and saw the carton of milk. He grabbed the cold container and closed the door and set it on the counter. He reached for the cabinets and pulled out a bowl and grabbed the box of cereal as well.

He poured the dry contents into the bowl, and opened the lid of the milk and poured it into the bowl. He soon closed the lid and placed it back on the counter. He stood there and stared at the bowl silently as he heard the small and almost quiet crackles of the dry contents mixing in with the wet.

He sighed once more and grabbed the bowl and went to the table and sat down and ate silently by himself. He tried his best to be quiet because all he really wanted at the moment was some alone time, and some time to think carefully.

All he could do was sigh to himself really. The match has been done, karasuno lost and aoba johsai won.

It was that simple.

He scratched his cheek and thought deeply about all the alternatives he could've done to win but all he could with them is save them for the next time.

He then stopped eating his cereal and went to grab his phone from his room and saw the team group chat.

Some how, it was buzzing with positivity and everyone seemed happy even after a loss. But it just didn't feel right.

He didn't know but something was off. As he read through the previous messages it all seemed like a façade.

Daichi seemed really happy just like suga and Asahi. But he knew they were just masking their emotions to make sure no one was feeling down.

He continued scrolling through for about another ten minutes or so when he was about to put another spoon full of cereal in his mouth when he noticed that the cereal had gone soggy and gross.

He frowned in disgust and smiled sadly.

"What a waste of food.."

He stood up and took his place to the sink and drained out the milk from the bowl and tossed the cereal bits into the trash.

He went back to his phone and read the incoming messages:

captiandadchi: who changed my username to this???

Jesus: why am i called Jesus????

Sweetlikesuga: lolololol

Saltydinosaur: who did forreal? Plus whoever did mine just know that you offended me and my dinosaurs.

Sweetlikesuga: idk who did it but i personally like mine alot :)))

smolrollingthunder: it was (l/n)-san! I heard her telling chikara yesterday!

Smolrollingthunder: i luv my username tho! ^^

Constellationsonaface: why is mine 'constellationsonaface'??????

(Your username): because that what your freckles are yams. Embrace them!!

(Your username): your username fits you perfectly tsukishima.

Saltydinosaur: whatever.

Baldy: why is mine like this???? T_T

(Your username): ennoshita told me to put that for you lolol.

notabenchwarmer: haha. But mine isn't any better (l/n)-san.

(Your username): sorry lol everyone gets the same treatment.

angryblueberry: why do j get this one???

(Your username): bc that what u remind me of

angryblueberry: ;; :/

(Your username): but i like hinatas the most. Bigballofsunshine is what i think when i see him ^^

(Your username): hinata needs alotta love rn so if you see this hinata ill send u a bunch of hearts!~

(Your username): ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡× infinity!!

Hinata smiled when he saw what you had typed. He had a small blush dusted on his cheeks.

He shut off his phone and set it back down and smiled gently. He felt his day get a bit better than it was before.

And it was all thanks to one of his favorite managers.

Ms. (Y/n) (L/n).


^ basic summary of how ive been so far for all those who've been wondering.

Some problems have been happening within my fanily and of course school as well. Man do i hate school alot rn. Im also applying for jobs as well since my family and i are in need if extra money lol.

But yeah thats about it really, sorry if there's any mistakes i was writing this a 1 am. Haha. Also im sorry for being inactive for a while.

But if you guys liked this chapter please do nit hesitate to give it a vote and comment! And ill see you guys next time!!


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