Chicken Wings

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Ricky's POV

Balz, Ryan, and I left.  Devin stayed behind along with Chris.  We went back to our places.  I swear that place is fucking creepy as fuck.  We decided to have chicken wings and have a movie marathon.  Us guys eventually fell asleep and shit.

Devin's POV

I was wandering the mansion, Jeff was showing Chris around.  But I saw a little girl with long curly brown hair, big green eyes, wearing adorable pink boots with a pink dress.  She was being pushed down by that link dude.  I growled loudly and ran over to her, as she was ready to cry.

"You're annoying Sally!" BEN shouted then stormed off.  I was the motherly figure so I kneel down to her, taking her hand.  "Are you okay?" She only nodded and I helped her up.  "Thanks.  And don't worry, this happens alot."  That made me wanna punch that mother fucker.

Chris' POV

Jeff and I were hangin' out in his room.  As of, he didn't want me to leave, he said he's alone all the time.  So, I stayed.  I wanted to, so it didn't bother me one bit.  I came to find, that he and I have alot of shit in common.  Which made me happy.  "So what's your favorite song from my band?"  He looked at me like, bitch I can't choose just one.  I chuckled slightly.

"I'mma just name one from each album." He said.  I nodded and smiled.  "The Whorror; and Just When You Think We Couldnt Get Any More Emo, We Go And Pull A Stunt Like This.  When Love Met Destruction; Ghost in the Mirror and Apocolips.  Creatures; Immaculate Misconception and City Lights.  Infamous; Devil's Night and America.  Reincarnate; Dark Passenger and Break the Cycle."  I smiled more.  "You sure do have alot of favorites."  He giggled slightly and nodded.  "I swear I'm not a fanboy.  If I was I'd already be fanboying like fuck."  That made me chuckle.  "I've noticed."

All of a sudden a huge fucking black and red dog with huge claws and sharp teeth ran in and jumped on the bed Jeff and I were sitting on.  He got on me and started licking me, like a harmless dog.  I laughed slightly and started petting him.  "Smile!  Stop smothering him!"  He got Smile to calm down slightly.  "It's fine." I chuckled more.  The dog barked and laid down.  "Is he your dog?"  Jeff nodded.  "His name is Smile Dog, but he goes by Smile."

"He seems friendly."  I simply said, then he shook his head.  "Not when we're on killing sprees."  We both laughed slightly.  I swear, I'm falling for a killer..

Jeff's POV

After a while of talking and petting Smile.  I decided to ask if he was hungry.  "Are you hungry?  There's shit load of food in the fridge."  I swear, he started acting like a child.  "Chicken Wings!!!!???"  He basically shouted.  I nodded and chuckled.  "Yes, there's chicken wings."  He threw his arms up in the air and cheered.  "YAY!"  I rolled my eyes and got up, walking to the kitchen.  He followed then I opened the fridge, grabbing a box of chicken wings then placed them in the microwave and heated them up.

When the machine beeped, I opened it and grabbed it, handing it to Chris.  "Grab any sauce you want."  He smiled more childishly, grabbing BBQ sauce and going crazy with it.  I watched and giggled.  He was acting so adorable.  Wait, Jeff!  Stop!  Push the feelings away...

He and I walked back upstairs and to my room.  We sat on my bed, he was eating the chicken wings.  "You must really love chicken wings."  I said.  He nodded more, having BBQ sauce on his lips, which I giggled.  "What?" He asked.  "You got BBQ sauce on the side of your lip."  He simply licked the BBQ off, I giggled more.  He chuckled slightly.

We ended up watching Lost Boys.  Since it's his favorite movie, I let him.  I don't know why I'm being such a softy.  I should be killing him.  But, something's stopping me.  I ended up falling asleep on top of him.

Chris' POV

We were watching Lost Boys.  For a killer, he was really fucking nice when he wants to be.  I then noticed he fell asleep, on me.  Arms wrapped around me.  I started to blush, I wrapped an arm around him and sat the plate on his night stand.  I'll take it down later.


A/N 3 updates in 2 hourssss I love this story myself xD and it's like 2 AM.  I should get some sleep now.  xD

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