Flashbacks PART ONE

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A/N the wait is over!  Here is zeh chapter you all have been waiting for!  This story is barely HALF way done.  And BTW this was suppose to be a story of the RP I'm doing with Raina, but even by the 2nd chapter it turned into what I wanted it to haha.  So Imma change the desc.  I'm not sure if I should just work on this one fanfic until it's done, or work on two at once like I did with the Kuza thing but it's done now so I'm now doing this one only.  I'm thinking about a Jinxx story or a Jahvie fanficIdk.

Jeff's POV

I was walking in the woods, gripping my kitchen knife.

I was covered in blood as well.

I had just got done with a killing spree.

I looked around at my surroundings.

Trees, trees, and some more trees.

You see, I snuck out of Slender Mansion because everyone was annoying the fuck out of me.

I wanted to stab their faces so bad, but I don't feel like being punished by Slender for 'disobeying'.

I really don't like these damn rules Slender sets for us.

Mainly me.

He sets more rules for me because I never follow rules.

I'm a fucking killer.

I don't follow rules.

Nor am I anyone's pet.

I am wild.

I will never be tamed.

I sighed out loudly and continued walking.

I then heard a twig snap.


They found me!

"Jeff!" BEN shouts.

"Fuck off, Link-Wanna-Be!"

"I was told to bring you back by our boss."

"I don't give a damn!  I need some time ALONE.  Doesn't anyone understand?!"

"I understand but he'll punish me if I don't bring you back!"

"I'm not going back.  At least not now!"

I growled and turned around, finally facing BEN.

I gripped my knife tightly.

BEN slowly walked up to me but I slashed my knife at him.

He ended up getting a deep knife wound as he yelled in pain.

I quickly turned and ran off as BEN chased after me.


I ran faster until I couldn't hear BEN's footsteps chasing after me anymore.

I stopped running and looked behind me.

He stopped chasing me.


I looked at my surroundings.

There wasn't that many trees.

I'm not in Slender Woods anymore.

I'm in a regular forest.

"Strange...How long have I been running?" I ask myself, mumbling.

All of a sudden I felt something heavy on top of me.

I landed on the ground, pain shot through my back when I landed.

There was loud growling and I finally looked up to see a man.

He looked like he was in his late 20s.

But the creepy part about him was that he was purple.....

His skin...

His hair....

His uniform...

His eyes were just white, too.

A glowing white.

And his teeth were white.

He was also covered in blood.

He raised his knife up high, about to strike until I shoved my kitchen knife into his chest.

He growled in pain and got off of me, giving me the opportunity to get up.

Once I was up he already pulled my knife out.

"So you're a killer like me?"

"No, I'm Sherlock Holmes.  Of course I'm a killer, fucktard!  Why else would I be covered in blood and carrying a knife with me?!" I growled sarcastically.

He chuckled in a growling way.

"Someone's feisty and sarcastic.."

The tone he used was in a perverted way.

Great...he's a killer and a pervert!

Just my luck......

We started staring at each other, hate and anger in our eyes.

His eyes held lust as well.


Loving a Criminal.. (Jeff the Killer x Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now