Watch it, bitch!

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Jeff's POV

The crowd started to cheer.

That made me blush more and I hid behind Chris.

Chris chuckled into the mic.

The guys were laughing.

Then the manager told us to get off and it's the next band's turn.

That made me laugh slightly as we got off stage.


After the show, they had to do some signings.

Chris was talking with every fan, being nice, listening.

While he was talking he was signing whatever they wanted him to sign.

Ricky, Ryan, Vin, Balz, and Devin was doing the same.

Sally and I just kinda backed off the crowd.

"Do you think everything's gonna be fucked up since they know who we are?" Sally asked me.

I sighed.  "For a eight year old you shouldn't be swearing.  Anyways, more and likely yeah."

Sally apologized then shut up.

I watched a really hug fan flirt with Chris.

I growled slightly but kept my anger under control, surprisingly.

Chris' POV

A fan came up to me, she had shoulder length black and red hair, green eyes, really skinny.

"Will you sign this CD?"

I smiled at her and nodded.  "Of course."

I took the CD from her and signed it with my sharpie.

I handed it back to her and she smiled.  "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

"You know, you're really hot."

I looked at her with my 'Watch it, bitch.' expression.

"I know." I said.

"We should totally fuck."

I shook my head.


"Why not?"

"Cause I'm taken."

"So?  She doesn't have to find out."

"He."  I corrected her.

Her mouth dropped open.

"Oh... you're gay?"

I sighed and nodded.

"Oh... sorry."

"Just fuck off."

She nodded and backed off, allowing me to sign the other fans stuff.

This happens way too much.

Sometimes being famous is annoying.

Jeff's POV

I watched the bitch fuck off from Chris.

I smirked realizing he said no to her.

Well, I feel special.


A/N yay another chapter.  Will write a more longer one in a few hours.  Er mer gerd.  Who's the slut that tried to get into Chris' pants?  I'm so relieved he told her to fuck off haha.  Anywayssss, I have tomorrow and Tuesday of school then I'm off for 2 weeks for break!  So that means everyday chapters starting Tuesday.  More than one chapter each day too!  I wanna keep this story going and keep you guys excited.  Also I'm trying to complete this story before I lose motivation on it.  Usually I get 3 chapters up then I stop writing but holy fuck this is the longest I've ever continued any story.  Well, you see, I used to be a really fucking popular girl on Quotev.  Over 1200 followers, called Aloysis and that shit.  Like almost 50 published shit.  I had so many stories on there.  But unfortunately, I got banned from some asshole reporting me for something I don't even know what.  But, I'm really glad that I still have 100% motivation to continue writing this story!  :D Love y'all!

Loving a Criminal.. (Jeff the Killer x Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now