{ Chapter 2 }

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Victoria: So I wanted to thank SkylarTheEmoKid! He helped me with somethings, AND he found me lots of covers my this story. So... THANKS SKYLAR!! :D <3

Drake's P.O.V...

Damn that girl has skill, I thought as I watched Jude's little sister walk out of the living room and into the kitchen sketchbook in hand. She captured my eyes perfectly, each little detail and edge she had shown it on paper, she has real talent that kid does.

I let my mind wander as I looked around the room, taking in the pictures on the walls and where all the furniture was placed. She was different than the other girls I'm used to, she looked different, she dressed differently, she ACTED differently. Most girls would flinch or look away after I stared at them hard enough, but she stared right back and even brushed me off like I was nothing. I turned my eyes to her things spread across the couch, mechanical pencils and pens, markers and colored pencils, even a few stray pieces of paper.

Leaning over the back of the couch and my fingers picked up some of the forgotten drawings and looked at them, one was of a hand holding what seemed to be a microphone. Another was an unfinished drawing of a wilted vase of flowers, it was drawn with charcoal the dark and light contrasted on the paper making the drawing look so real. I put the sketches down and went upstairs to search for my Jude, the last time I saw him he was going to the bathroom.

Walking down the upstairs hallway I let my fingers brush the edges of pictures, I smiled to myself when I found a picture of 10 year old Jude smiling widely at me his front two teeth missing.

"Haha... how cute..."

I continued walking until I came upon a peculiar photo, it was unlike the other pictures on the walls, it was of Jude's little sister and someone else. What was her name again..? Dylan, that's it! Huh, why'd their parents name her Dylan? Isn't that a guy name? Why not Linda or Melissa or even Clare?

I analyze the picture closely, Dylan looked maybe around 13 or 14 years old, she had her left hand in a peace sign while her right hand was around a boy's shoulders. The difference was this was the only picture that had Dylan in it, and this was also the only one with the boy too. The boy looked like a mix between bad-boy-meets-emo, he had his possibly dyed black hair mostly covering over his left eye and he also had white snakebites, but what really caught my attention were his eyes.

They were this mixture of green and blue, but if you looked close enough which for me meant pressing my nose against the glass covering the picture, you could see some flicks of red somewhere in there. In the photograph while Dylan was looking straight at the camera, the boy wasn't looking towards the camera but to Dylan his eyes looked at Dylan with a tender stare. It irritated me a little by the way he looked at her, by the way they looked so comfortable together as if you saw them on the street you could have mistaken them as a couple.

I stopped staring at the photo, confused at how I felt but a minute later just shook off the feeling of irritation and went to continue searching for Jude. I finally found him in his room on his bed reading a book he had his earphones on listening to something on his iPod, he didn't seem to hear me come into his room so I took this to my advantage. Lightly stepping into the room, making sure not to make any noise as I walked my way towards Jude, who by some lucky reason, kept his eyes on his book and tapping his finger along to the beat of the unknown song he was listening to. I smiled mischievously as I came closer and closer to Jude's body, then as swiftly and silently as possible I lunged at Jude landing heavily on his bed.


Jude stuttered then blushed bright red at how close I was to him, I leaned in and pecked him on the lips lingering just long enough for him to kiss back. I pulled away before he could kiss me any more, which made him whimper and make the cutest pouty face ever, I knew he wanted more before he could look away.

"Drake... kiss me again..."

Jude murmured as he looked down hiding his red face, I tilted his chin up making him look me in the eyes and smiled leaning in, our lips touched hesitantly at first but touched again more heatedly. I rolled on top of Jude letting one hand run into his soft long blonde hair, while the other hand was leaning against the bedpost helping me keep leverage. The feeling of one of Jude's hands running up under my shirt and touching my skin made me moan lightly against his lips. I pulled away and looked down into his beautiful blue eyes, they were like pools of blue sky going on forever with no ending.

I love this person, I love him so much that it hurts.

"I love you, Jude..."

I whispered quietly as I pressed my forehead against his, he looked up at me and said slightly out of breath.

"I love you too, Drake..."

He then pulled me back down for another kiss, I didn't stop him at all but kissed him back with as much ferocity as I possibly could.

"Hey Jude, do you know wh-"

Dylan came into the room and what she was saying cut off at the sight of me and Jude kissing, she closed her eyes and said slowly. "Um... I'm not sure HOW many times a day I'm going to catch you guys kissing, but twice in one day is one times to many for me."

I pulled away from Jude and turned to look at Dylan, in one hand held a paintbrush and in the other was that of a photo of her and that boy. Suddenly I didn't want to kiss Jude anymore, I sat up and stared at Dylan through my black fringe while she stared right back at me for a moment then turned back to Jude.

"So anyways, Jude have you seen my paints? I can only fine my paintbrushes and not the paint, how can I pain without paint?"

Jude sat up with an annoyed look on his face, he pointed toward his door and said clearly telling Dylan to leave NOW.

"You left them outside on the picnic table yesterday when you were painting the old oak tree, remember?"

"Right! Okay well... you guys can go back to whatever you two were doing..." Dylan looked at the both of us and winked as she shut the door behind her on her way out, I smiled chuckling silently to myself.

Jude sidled up to my side and wrapped his arms around my waist resting his chin on my shoulder, his lips were millimeters away from my ear and he whispered in a hushed voice. "So... do you want to go back to kissing?"

I thought for a moment, then shook my head pulling away from him and getting up onto my feet I stared at Jude, "I'm not in the mood for kissing anymore... I'll be right back." I walked out of the room and looked around until I found the bathroom, walking inside and locking the door behind me. I pressed my forehead against the cool porcelain sink, and breathed in deeply collecting my racing thoughts.

Why did I not want to kiss Jude? I usually dive at any hint or moment I can get to kiss him, yet when he asks to continue kissing I don't want to!?

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