{ Chapter 15 }

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Dylan's P.O.V...

I opened my eyes as the sound of dishes and food cooking drift up from the kitchen downstairs, rolling onto my side I stayed in bed and rubbed my palms against my eyes before kicking off the covers and getting up. A whole sleepless night of thinking did not do good for me at all, my body ached and I couldn't even get a wink of rest with Darrington and LEDA parading around in my mind.

"I guess it's time to face the music..."

Shuffling quietly towards the door, I paused with my ear against the wood waiting for any sounds of someone walking in the hall, and after deciding the coast was clear I walked out and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After a whole night of thinking, I decided that it wasn't a good idea to be in a relationship with Darrington while he seemed to already be in some kind of relationship with Leda. Standing in the bathroom, I finished brushing my teeth and spat out the frothy white toothpaste from within my mouth before washing it out with water and splashing a nice amount onto my face.

"Dylan, is that you? Can you grab my phone next to the toilet? I was playing Flappy Birds while I was taking a-"


I grabbed Jude's cellphone, a brush in one hand while I opened the door and thrust the device into his open palm, before closing it and cutting him off from any more conversation.

"Thank you!"

Jude walked off and went in search of Drake, while I finished brushing my hair into a somewhat okay fashion and walked out of the bathroom to go get dressed, but with my luck I ran into the one person I didn't want to see.

"M-morning Dylan..."

Darrington stood in front of me looking meek and uncomfortable, as much as I didn't want to look at him I couldn't help but secretly admire how well he looked, even though it appeared he got as little sleep as I did the night before. With a hand in his deliciously messy hair, Darrington stood in front of me in a pair of black skinny jeans and a Bring Me The Horizons t shirt beneath a dark gray sleeveless hoodie, while his face displayed a pair of dark circles beneath his blood shot eyes.


Looking down to cover my blushing cheeks, I tried to look anywhere but him and opted to stare at the frayed bit on the knee of his jeans, wishing I could just unravel myself like that thread was trying to do.

"About what happened yesterday.. I wanted to tell you about Leda, I did but-"

Darrington leaned in suddenly, taking my hand in his as he tried and failed to think of a reason why he didn't tell me anything about what he'd been up to while we were apart.

"Hey... I don't think standing in front of the bathroom in the middle of the hallway is the most private place to talk about this. How about we just...go to your room." I knew I couldn't hold this off for much longer, so I caved in and we both silently shuffled to his bedroom.

Once inside Dare shut the door and led me to his bed, I sat down and pulled one of his pillows into my lap as if it could be a feathery barrier between the two of us and the impending conversation that was to come.

"How about I start from the beginning?" Darrington gently sat down and brushed his knee to my own, causing heat to fill my body and I just nodded as we made eye contact.

Giving me a slight smile, the corner of his mouth pulled up and a glimmer appeared for a moment in his eyes, he began to talk about the moment he met Leda and their unusual relationship began.


The plane ride was miserable, with the seats being too close for comfort to the stupid toddler constantly kicking at the back of his seat and not being of legal age to take a nice taste of alcoholic heaven, Darrington's day was just getting even worse. His mother was still fast asleep, her head tilts back and softly snoring as the flight attendant rolled back and forth with the refreshments cart, flashing Dare a look as she stopped right by him and handing a Sprite to the annoying brat who couldn't stop squirming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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