{ Chapter 1 }

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  • Dedicated to All my fans, thanks for liking my first bxb!! ~♥~

Dylan's P.O.V...

I trudged home from the bus stop, my heavy backpack in tow, and dragging my feet below me as I grumbled to myself. Jude forgot to pick me up AGAIN for the third time this week! He knew he should have picked me up at school after art club like I thought he would, but apparently I was wrong yet again. What does he do if he's not going to pick me up? He better not be smoking pot in a van or else I'd kick his sorry butt.

I looked up and saw that his Camry was still in the drive way so he must be home, but beside his Camry was a convertible that didn't belong to Mom or Dad, probably one of his friends over. Shrugging I headed up the walk way and onto the porch, pulling out my house keys and inserting it into the key hole and walked inside making sure to close the door behind me. Suddenly hearing what seemed to be muffled sound coming from somewhere upstairs, I did what any typical 18 year old girl would do if they heard a sound somewhere in their house.

Go into detective mode and start snooping around the house and find out what it is of course!

I went to the kitchen and placed my backpack gently on the kitchen counter and left my shoes by the front door. Then I tip toed up the stairs quietly, making sure to skip the squeaky fourth step, and followed the sound it was apparently coming from behind Jude's room. Pressing my ear to the door trying to listen through the wood and into his room. I heard muffled moans and breathes, and the tension was finally too much for me. I HAD to know what was happening. I grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door open, what I saw made me gasp in shock and take a few steps back. On the bed, both practically half naked, was my brother and another person smacking lips.

They were making out like mad, but that wasn't what made me take those steps back. It was because my brother was making out with a GUY. I have nothing against gay people, I really don't, it was seeing my apparently-not-straight brother kissing another guy with so much passion that surprised the heck out of me.

"J-Jude? Who's t-this?"

Jude saw me and swiftly jumped out of the bed grabbing his shirt off the floor and pulling it on quickly, the mystery guy found his own shirt and yanked it over his well trimmed chest. Jude then re-buttoned his jeans buttons and looked at me embarrassingly, the mystery boy got out of Jude's bed and walked over to Jude's side. So THIS is what Jude has been doing every afternoon for the past week instead of picking me up he was making out with this boy.

I stood there waiting for Jude's answer, he looked anywhere but me for a minute then finally answered in a voice so low I had to lean in to hear his words.

"T-this is my boyfriend... Drake..."

Drake stared at me intensely with his dark green eyes, they made my knees feel weak and jello-like but I shook the feeling and continued to talk to Jude.

"So you're... gay?" I asked slowly, glancing from him and his boyfriend before slowly returning my eyes back to Jude.

"Um... yeah I am..." Jude smiled shyly before looking down, as if ashamed to have been found out in such an awkward position.

"How long have you... known?"

"For about a year and a half now." Jude looked up at me less embarrassed and more confidently, I watched him reach out and take a hold of Drake's hand and awaited my next question.

"Well... you could have at least told me..." I looked away from him and over to the floor, it hurt that he didn't trust me enough to tell me about this but hid it from me, I thought we were really close.

"Dylan I'm sorry, but I just couldn't tell anyone. Hell, I didn't even realize I was gay until a year and shall ago. Drake helped me realize I AM gay, and I love him."

I looked up at Jude then over to Drake, they seemed so comfortable together, almost perfect and I finally let out a long breathe and said.

"Okay... but next time you decide to leave me hanging at school to make out, TELL me instead of having me walk in on your two smacking face, alright?"

Jude laughed nodding his head and opened his arms, I ran and hugged him tight my head in the crook of his neck I peered at Drake who was giving me this look that I couldn't exactly name.
"I'm sorry that I didn't come to pick you up from art club, I'll let you punish me next time alright?"

I pulled away and turned around heading out of his room and downstairs, I looked over my shoulder and said in a stern voice to Jude.

"Oh I'll make sure to remember that! Now big bro, just cause I know about this guy doesn't mean you can keep him away from me. I want to know every single itty bitty thing about him."

Drake looked at me with a surprised twitch of his mouth, while Jude nodded his head and kissing Drake on the cheek.

"Drake, don't worry my sis isn't THAT scary but just watch out when she's around she can scare your pants off when she wants to."

I laughed and stomped down the stairs and into the kitchen grabbing my sketchbooks from inside my backpack, pulling out my pencil box and headed into the living room. Plopping down onto the couch I placed my things all over the couches cushions, and put my open sketchbook on my lap and stared at the blank page for a moment to collect my thoughts.

Beginning to draw the first thing that came to my mind, what I created ended up being a pair of eyes that stared back at me with a fierce intensity when I finished the sketch. The eyes looked so familiar it took me a minute to realize who's they were, they belonged to Jude's boyfriend Drake, weird that I drew them though. I didn't realize someone was behind me until an arm came out of nowhere and plucked my sketchbook off my lap, I turned and was about to yell at them to give it back when I saw it was Drake himself. He stared at my sketch of his eyes for what felt like years, he seemed to be analyzing my sketch almost as if something would happen if he stared hard enough, then said the first words since I met him came out of his mouth.

"This is horrible."

I gaped at him, did he just insult my drawing!?

Okay, I'm not bragging of anything, but I'm a pretty talented artist. I've won tons of art contests and gotten shout outs from some of the local town artists and my school's art shows. So when a dude I barely know insults my work, I have the right to be a little ticked off! I said the first thing that popped into my head.

"What!? What do you MEAN this is horrible?"

He stared at me with those deep green eyes and smirked, saying again with his deep voice sending tremors though my body.

"I don't think you got my eyes just right, so it's horrible."

I stood up and growled menacingly, this guy was really feeding fire to my temper and it wasn't helping that him just looking at me made me want to swoon.

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