{ Chapter 9 }

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Dylan's P.O.V...

I woke up with Darrington snoring next to me in my bed, this ironically enough, was how I sometimes woke up in the mornings and in the middle of the nights he stays over when his house is hectic.

Licking my lips, I turned over so my back was facing him, I rubbed some of the sleep out of my eyes and felt Darrington move behind me, his arm fell across my waist and pulled me closer to his chest.

"Why hello there, I could get used to this now that your here."

I could hear and feel the smile in his voice without even needing to look, laughing I pressed the back of my head into the crook of his neck and sighed happily.

"Oh really now, cause if you say that out you go."

I taunted and glanced behind me to see the panic that flashed across his face, realizing he took me seriously I turned over and touched his cheek shaking my head.

"You really think I'd do that? then you don't know me as well as I thought you did Dare."

Raising an eyebrow I gave Darrington a look, and he grinned relief flooding through his eyes and he buried his face in my shoulder inahling deeply.

I blushed and didn't move, it felt nice being this close to Darrington and he seemed to like my company, smoothening his hair down and feeling some tufts tickle my nose, he tightened his grip on my waist and said in low voice.

"You make me go crazy, insanely crazy."

Darrington then flipped me onto my back and climbed ontop of me his fringe hung over his eyes, I felt waves of warmth move from my stomach up and out to my limbs, I brushed his fringe out of the way and saw the intense expression in his amazing eyes.

"Kiss me, please?"

I whispered under my breath embarrassed for asking, he smiled a little as if holding in a chuckle and leaned close barely brushing my lips with his, I let out a little whine and Darrington finally let his lips press against mine.

Running my fingers through his hair pulling at the ends bringing him closer to me, he reacted with a single moan kissing me harder his lips rough but still gentle.

The bedroom door opened and we were interrupted for the second time today, reluctantly pulling away from each other and turned to the person standing at the doorway.

Drake stared open mouth at the two of us, Darrington ontop of me our faces barely inches apart from the other, he turned his gaze to me and I could see some hurt in them though I didn't know why he would be hurt.

"Uhm, hey dude your Mom just got home and wants all of us to get ready for dinner when your stepdad gets here.."

He continued to stand there for a few extra moments before noddng to himself and leaving without another word, but he did glance back at the two of us still in bed before closing the door after him.

"I really am getting annoyed at this interrupting, maybe I should lock the door this time?"

Darrington turned to me looking hopeful, I laughed and shook my head pushing him off me and getting out of bed, I ran a hand through my messy hair and said.

"Come on Dare, get up and lets g downstairs and help out your Mom."

"Aw no Dylan.. I no wanna!"

Dare whined kicking his feet a bit like a 3 year old having a tantrum it was too cute and funny, I rolled my eyes tryig to hold back a large grin, and leaned over tugging on his arm.

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