{ Chapter 12 }

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Dylan's P.O.V...

After we finished our food at Carmen's Cafe, Darrington drove us toward the city mall, which coincidentally held the largest Hot Topic in the whole western part of the United States, so let's just say that I was very excited to get there.

We arrived at the mall, and it had the most gigantic Hot Topic I'd honestly ever seen, the store had an upstairs level and I got to ride the little escalator up and down about 10 times before Dare pulled me off.

"Hey, hey, hey! Dare! Let's go see the upstairs!"

Grinning widely I raced toward the elevator rushing past people with multicolored hair, multiple piercings, and one random guy with a feather boa, and headed right into the accessories wall in the far back of the store.

"Oh. My. God."

I looked around and the store was even bigger as you went deeper then I had thought, tall shelves and racks held clothes, jewelry, accessories, make up, EVERYTHING.

"Pretty awesome, huh?"

Darrington slung an arm over my shoulders and bumped his hip into mine, pouting slightly I held the hand on my shoulder and squeezed.

"I hate you, you get to live near the biggest Hot Topic ever and don't even care to bye me a welcome gift?"

Rolling his eyes Dare pulled me closer and kisses my temple softly and lovingly, causing me to blush profusely, and lead me toward a rack of clothes.

"Oh hush, now pick what you want, we have $70 to spend and I feel like treating a certain someone to a new studded belt that I see over here."

Squealing I ran to the belt he mentioned and danced around in place, then slung the black and white belt over my shoulder and began to thumb through some hoodies.

Darrington's P.O.V...

I ran my thumb along the edge of my index fingernail, thinking about where to take Dylan after she was finished looking for stuff.

She was running around the store singing along to Kissing In Cars by Pierce the Veil, while a belt was hanging over her shoulder and a small basket of items hitting the side of her thigh.

"Hey D, haven't seen you in a while."

A soft voice hit the back of my neck sending a chill up and down my spine, I knew this voice and it wasn't a voice I would've want to hear, especially now.

Turning slowly, I mentally prepared myself before I looked at the girl standing in front of me.

Her blond hair was pulled into a messy bun and her glasses perched on the end of her pieced nose, she smiled at me as she licked the angel-bites the hung on her upper lip.

Nervously she played with the frayed hole in her purple skinny jeans, which hung just right on her hips to match her black and white striped tank top.

"Leda..... Hi."

"Hey, why so stiff, weren't you the one who was clinging onto me a week ago at Mike's party mumbling about how much you loved me?"

Leda stepped closer and rested her cheek on my chest, her hand sliding down my hip sending a guilty shiver through my stomach.

"I was drunk and high on whatever junk Mike had brought to the party, stop thinking I have feelings for you."

My voice was low and even, though inside I was mentally pulling my hair out of my head hoping to God Dylan didn't return in time to see this.

"Awww, D why're you so cold to me? Didn't you promise never to leave me, didn't you say you loved me?"

Leda's voice stoned, lifting her head and with her eyes burning a hole into my own as she dug her nails into my hip and squeezed gently.

"S-stop that.... I was fucking drunk and high, get that into your head...."

I weakly whispered, my hands were sweating and my mouth was drying up quickly as she leaned closer and closer to me.

"Dare, look I fou-"

Dylan appeared behind a shelf with one of her hands held up holding something I couldn't tell, her eyes lighting up with joy before seeing me with someone who wasn't here before, she froze and stared.

"Who's this D?"

Leda cuddled into my chest and looked icily at Dylan who, at that very moment, dropped whatever she was holding as well as all the other items she had found and whispered 5 words I never wanted to hear again.

"No one... I'm no one."

Then she ran, right out the store right out of my sight, I tried to run after her but Leda chained me to the ground with an iron grip and whispered scarily.

"Don't. You. Even. Try."

My heart stopped and I stopped fighting, looking at her Leda stood for a moment to test me to see if I'd run, when I didn't she kissed me on the cheek and smiled.

"I'll see you later D."

Then she too was gone, I stood there for a good 2 minutes before walking to the small pile of things Dylan had planned to buy, among the pile of clothes and jewelry was something silver.

Picking it up I looked at the simple matching silver chains, meant for something to be hung on and worn as a necklace, and I knew instantly what this was for.

A month before I left Dylan had given me a necklace as a birthday present, it had a heart charm with our names on the back meant to show that we'd always be best friends, always together.

The day I was to move away, a guy who would always bully me had me against a row of lockers and ripped the necklace off my neck, the chain broke and the heart charm flew across the hall.

I found it after a teacher had walked by to catch the scene and take the guy away, I felt so bad when I found the charm and the broken chain beside it by the water fountain, I couldn't tell Dylan but she found out anyway.

We never had the time to buy another chain after that, and I couldn't bring myself to do it either once I got here because well... I felt like it wouldn't mean anything if it wasn't completely from Dylan.

"She wanted to buy this for me.... Oh crap, what did I do....!!"

Falling to my knees I held the chain to my forehead and let out a scream, people turned to look but I didn't care, I just let my girlfriend/best friend run out alone and hurt.


Dylan's P.O.V...

I ran as far as my jello legs could take me, and finally stopped at the edge of the mall between a busted vending machine and a worn out wooden bench.

"Who was that....why was she touching him like that...why'd he let her....?"

My hands cupped over my face as I fell to the ground, leaning my back against the wall and a sob wracking through my lungs.

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