{ Chapter 11 }

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Dylan's P.O.V...

Dare drove us for about 10 minutes before slowing down to a diner, Carmen's Cafe, that was on the corner nextdoor to a laundromat and a store that sold knick knacks like snow globes and stuff.

"Here's the diner I told you about. I know this really nice waitress here, and she'll give us a little discount on the ice cream float!"

Pulling into a free parking space, Darrington and I unbuckle ourselves and get out of the car, heading toward one of the diner's 3 entrances and exits.

Holding the door open Darrington waves to a middle-aged waitress standing at the cash register, she smiles kindly and points with her notepad toward the booth near the back window of the restaurant.

"Over here Dylan, Kat will get to us in a moment."

"Okay dokay."

Letting Darrington lead the way, I take that moment to survey the whole layout of the rowdy diner we were going to be eating in.

It was around the size of an average house, the walls were made of blue and white tile matching the navy blue booths and white table tops, the waitresses wore knee high faded pink uniforms with aprons over top.

"This is such a cute place!"

I blurt out without realizing, Dare raises an eyebrow pairing it off with a slight smirk and tugs on my arm pulling me into the space beside him in the booth.

"Yeah, but not as cute as you are."

Leaning in he kisses my cheek, before I can even say a word Kat walks over notepad and pencil raised, and announces in a smooth definite southern accent.

"So, what would you like D?"

"Uhm.. let me see. I'd like the Leaning Tower of Pancakes, extra whip cream on top, a hash brown, and some orange juice. You Dylan?"

Glancing at the menu, I let my eyes flicker across the menu and tapps my chin for a moment, then finally I had my selection chosen.

"Could I have the Slice of Heaven Apple Pie, no whip cream, and a cappuccino with some caramel on top?"

"Sure thing hun! So that's a Leaning Tower of Pancakes extra cream, with a hash brown and glass of orange juice for D. For the doll a Slice of Heaven Apple Pie, no cream, and a cup of caff with caramel. That it kiddies?"

Kat wrote all this down as she spoke, from our point of view it looked like just random scribbles that a little five year old would do when playing restaurant.

Nodding our heads, we hand over the menus to our waitress and she tells us to wait a few minutes for the food to be prepared.

As we sit and wait, Dare and I just talk about random stuff, we mostly watch people and play a game of guessing what they were saying or doing, the guesses were pretty simple but others were quite off.

"Okay okay, see that lady at the single table over there? She's talking to her dog, I know cause she's making that face that people always make when their talking to a dog."

I say to Darrington with a grin on my face, pointing toward the woman wearing a bright yellow jogging suit her cell phone raised to her ear, nodding in agreement Darrington laughs out loud.

"Yes! And over there, that biker looking dude with the braided beard? He's wishing he wasn't here right now!"

Looking to where he had directed, I see the 50-something year old man staring down at his scrambled eggs and golden colored toast, as his what-looked-to-be wife nagging an annoyed expression on her face.

"Oh I feel really sorry for him, look at her now! She's yelling at the waitress, awww... I think the poor lady got her regular soda and not dieeeeet!~"

We both crack up and still were trying to stiffle the giggles when Kat finally comes back with our tray of food, setting it down she smiles at us both and winks saying to have a nice meal.

Taking my first bite into the apple pie, I moan out in pure pleasure, the crust melted with the ice cream and the apple custard, and I simply adored the whole thing.

"Dare! This is absolutely the most delicious slice of pie I have ever tasted!! Try it!"

Picking up my fork, I held the put the piece of pie to his lips and Dare opened up willingly taking a bite and moaning like I had.

"This is really good!"

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