{ Chapter 13 }

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Dylan's P.O.V...

My whole body was numb, from crying for about 45 minutes and from sitting in the cramped spot on the floor between the vending machine and the wooden bench, I didn't feel like moving even if my back was aching.

Come on Dylan, deep breath in deep breath out, you gotta pull yourself together and figure out how you'll act in front of Dare after...that.

Standing up and taking deep breaths in, I started my way out of my dark little corner and began to walk around the mall, maybe looking at stuff will get my mind off Darrington and help calm me down a little?

Burying my hands in my pockets and shuffling around the mall, as I walked by the fountain I caught sight of couples being all lovey-dovey which made my stomach drop, so I started walking a little faster and try to make it to the nearest bookstore.

At last I arrived at Barnes & Nobles I rushed to the kid section, grabbing a book off the Young Adults shelf as I passed and plopped down in one of the super comfy bean bag chairs in the corner of the reading area.

I found it more comfortable here because one, it was the quietest place since no kid ever actually read in the designated "Kids Reading Area", and two the chairs here were far more cozy than the hard wooden chairs in the cafe.

Looking down at the book I had randomly grabbed, "Dead to You" by Lisa McMann, I flipped to the first chapter and started reading; the sounds of sipping and walking fading into the background.

Minutes trickled by as I read, the only sound I could register was of when I would stop reading to turn a page, and the smell of new book making me feel at ease.

The book pulled me in and I was savoring each word that passed my eyes, I giggled, gasped, and even cried as I continued to read until finally I closed the book and wiped my eyes with my sleeve.

"Wow....I'm definitely gonna read more of her books!"

Sitting up and stretching my arms I looked up at the nearest clock and saw how late it had gotten, jumping out of the bean bag and almost tripping over my own feet, I ran toward the entrance of the store while speedily placing the book back on the shelf I had gotten it from.

Well... I'm gonna have to face him sooner or later, as I walked back towards Hot Topic and hoped that Darrington would still be there I sent him a quick text then stuffed my cell back in my jeans pocket.

Dylan: heading towards HT, meet @ the bench.

Darrington's P.O.V...

I sat on the bench that was placed right across from Hot Topic, I haven't moved from this spot since Dylan disappeared, I should have ran after her, I should have done something...she's probably scared and alone right now.. I'm so stupid...

Suddenly my phone buzzed, pulling it out of my jacket pocket and opening the new message I realized it was from Dylan, now alert I sat up right and read the text.

Dylan: heading towards HT, meet @ the bench.

Darrington: I'm already here, where are you?

I suddenly heard a cough from behind and turned around to see Dylan with her hands in her hoodie, her fringe covering over her eyes which I knew were looking at anywhere but me.

It hurt, to be honest, knowing I just hurt the person I cared about most and seeing that she didn't even want to even be near my own presence.

"Hey...Um...Let's get to the car, I just want to go back to your house.."

Standing up adruptly I mumbled in agreement and followed after a rushing Dylan, as we past mall goers I sighed inwardly as my best friend pushed past the mall entrance doors and went straight to my car.

The moment I unlocked my hearse Dylan yanked open the door and threw herself in her seat, buckling up and staying quiet as I got in and turned on the engine pulling us out of the parking space and out of the mall parking lot.

"Dylan...Please, listen to me okay? What you saw, it wasn't what you think. You have to know that I love you, with all my heart I love you."

Glancing over to her before bringing my eyes back to the road, I waited for her reply, and slowly but surely she did just that.

And then some.

"What was it then? Huh, what does it mean when a girl is wrapped around you like a snake and talking as if you belonged to her?"

She glared at me as her body stayed stiff in the seat, gripping her thighs in anger and waited silently for my answer, swallowing and trying to keep my hands from shaking I whispered finally.

"Her name's Leda Watson, we met at a party a couple weeks after I moved and I was upset beyond compare...y'know....for not being around you anymore. At the party there was drinking and... some drugs were passed around..."

"What!? DRUGS!?"

"Please...! I was upset I wasn't thinking clearly, the night went by in a blur or lights and people, I... the next morning I woke up in an unknown bed and with.. Leda beside me."

My words slowly faded as we pulled up to my house, using all my strength I turned toward Dylan I saw her eyes misty and her voice shook as she spoke.

"Were you both...naked...?"

Closing my eyes and looking away I nodded, my voice catching in my throat and my chest constricting tightly as I uttered thatone word that sealed everything.


Dylan raced out of my hearse and up to my house, I sat and watched her disappear inside and my tears finally spilled onto my lap as I cried, knowing I just threw the one person who made my life bearable out the window.

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