Two: Graveyard

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The walk to the graveyard was a long one, which would have left Luke to his thoughts if he didn't have his phone and headphones with him. He luckily got to blast away those hurtful annoying thoughts with his life saving music.

He shoved his hands into his pockets as he crossed through the graveyard, trying to find Michaels gravestone. His eyes scanned almost every thing, reading the words. Each stone seemed to give his heart some more ache with each passing word. "Loving father." "Loving mother." "Beloved sister." "Beloved son."

Finally finding the right tombstone, Luke paused from walking. He slowly pulled off his head phones and stepped forward, placing a hand on top of the stone. He read over the words, still finding it hard to believe.

"Beloved son and friend,
Michael Clifford.
1995- 2015.
He was the wind beneath our wings."

Luke sniffled, rubbing the back of his hand under his nose. He fondled the necklace in one hand as he bent over to place it down In Front of the gravestone. He noticed the fresh flowers, a teddy bear, some small trinkets of memory, and some candles, a small smile formed, knowing Michael wasn't forgotten yet by their friends.

When Luke straightened up, he flinched a bit , seeing Michael standing next to him with a large grin. "Damn that's quite the haul!" Michael said, pointing at all the items on or around his tombstone.

Luke closed his eyes, mumbling to himself, "not again.. Go away.." He opened his eyes to see Michael still standing there staring at him, still with a large stupid grin on his face.

He sniffled again, "why can't you leave me alone?" He asked Michael. He looked back down at the stone, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets.

"Praise the lord almighty, he speaks!" Michael proclaimed loudly in excitement. "It's about time you've acknowledged my presence."

Lukes frown deepend, he shook his head, curling his hands into fists as he looked back over at Michael. "You're not supposed to be here."

Michael chuckled, "you think?" He said sarcastically. He turned his attention back to his tombstone and walked closer. He leaned down to peer at the teddy bear that was sitting on it, it was cute except for the bright purple shirt that said ' hugs from heaven.'

Groaning, Michael snatched it up as made a face of disgust. "Oh, God." He turned it in his hand, looking it up and down, "gross." He then tossed it as hard and as far as he could.

"What are you doing?!" Luke loudly hissed, shooting Michael a warning glare. But instead of answering, Michael looked back at the tombstone with a small sigh. "Let's see here.." He said as he studied it.

Michael stepped closer, letting his fingers run over the grey stone. "Beloved son and friend." He mocked, reading out his own tombstone. "He was the wind beneath our...." Michael gasped in disgust, "really, mom? Bette midler? Going to send me off to the pearly gates to the soundtrack of beaches? "

Finally annoyed, Luke snapped at Michael. "Then why don't you go haunt her!"

Faking a pout, Michael glanced back at Luke. "I'm not a ghost, Luke. I'm the manifestation of your guilt. " he looked back at his tombstone and gasped loudly again.

"Um, Luke! Why is there a pumpkin on my tombstone?!" He asked, sounding annoyed and shocked. He pointed at the pumpkin and gourd symbols at the top of the stone. He jerked his head to look back at Luke.

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