Fourteen: youre lying!

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Dont think i need to do the reminder..right?

Got just a chapter left! GASP!

There was an unsettling awkward Silence in the truck, making luke squirm slightly from being uncomfortable. He didnt know what to say or do, so he just briefly glanced up and over at Jackson who stared ahead as he drove.

"thanks.." luke mumbled just as jackson pulled over, parking infront of Petes house. He paused, waiting for jackson to say something but the other boy didnt talk, he didnt even look at Luke. With a small nod, luke glanced out the window as he opened the door.

"Wait, wait, wait a second." Jackson said with a deep breath just as luke started to get out of the car, making luke turn to face him. Jackson finally looked over at luke, letting out a deep breath. "look.." Jackson started to say.

"I did some stuff at the party that im not exactly proud of." He Admited to luke, watching him. Luke looked away with a sigh, running his hand through his own hair. " Yeah, well, in the grand scheme of of things, its not exactly the end of the world."

"Right... its just that.." Jackson paused to briefly look away, thinking over his words before looking back at luke. He laid his hand on lukes leg, "i really did like you." Luke started to panic, pushing the door wider as he scrambled to get out. " ive got to go."

"Luke.." Jackson said, watching luke get out of the truck as fast as he could. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked when the door slammed, and since the window was down he knew luke could hear him. But luke ignored him, he didnt even bother glancing back at him.

Luke walked up to the door, noticing it was some apartment style building in some old looking home. He grabbed the door, trying to open it but it wouldnt budge. He looked around, seeing a small speaker with a buzzer on it. He pressed the first button, hoping it was pete.

"Hullo?" slurred the familiar voice of pete over the speaker, " hey its--" luke quickly tried changing his voice, " its Jackson." he said. There was no response but the click at the door suggested that pete unlocked it.

Luke quickly pushed in and walked up the steps since the first floor only looked like a lobby. Assuming the numbers matched the speaker outside, he went to the first door. With hope, he grabbed the doorknob, hoping it was unlocked.

The door easily opened, so he yanked it open as far as he could, walking in. It slammed shut behind him, making pete jump and glance behind him toward luke. " luke?" he said, sounding surprised. He stood up, glancing at the door as if expecting jackson to walk in.

Luke looked around the messy room, it was mostly full of beer cans and bottles, among other alcohol bottles. There were take out food boxes laying around with dirty pile of clothes; boy pete must be feeling really guilty.

"why are you..? what do you want?" the confused Pete asked, accepting that jackson was actually luke and that jackson wasnt going to show up. Pete stood there, holding a beer bottle, tensing at the cold glare from luke.

"a lot of things, actually." admitted luke, crossing his arms as he took few more steps into the room. "Could you narrow it down a bit?" pete asked, bringing the bottle of beer to his lips to sip. He didnt want luke to see how nervous he was.

"Well, for starters, you could tell me how long you were planning on letting me waste away in that cell." Luke rudely said. "or possibly how could you live with your self after what you did." Luke started to get closer as he walked, looking at pete as if he was a disgusting bug.

Pete looked confused, but luke couldnt tell if it was real or fake. " or who the hell do you think you are?" He yelled at pete, who took a step back. " what are you talking about?" Pete demanded, glaring back at luke.

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