Chapter 12: The Beginning of the End

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"I'm busy, you sumbitch. This better be important."

"Nice to hear from you too, Bobby." I say as I step out of the cab. I send it away and start to walk towards Bobby's home.

"Lizzie. How you doing kid?"

"I'm good, I'm actually at the door." I say, knocking. I hear footsteps and the door swings open to reveal Bobby and Dean, with drinks in each of their hands. "Hello boys." I say, walking in. 

All of a sudden, I hear screaming. I whip my head around, trying to find the source. "Sam." Dear says.

"That's Sam? What the hell is happening?" I ask.

"We locked him in the panic room and he's been screaming." Bobby says, closing the door. "We also have another problem." He has me a few files. I start to flip through them as he says. "The demons are going through the last seals. Your angel friends are AWAL, and we don't know how many seals are left."

"So, let me get this straight. We have a junkie Sam, probably hallucinating, in the basement. We also have demons that are getting really freaking close to releasing the Devil from his prison." Bobby and Dean nod slowly. "So we're basically screwed?" I am met with more nods. "Great."

"Why don't you get some rest and---" Dean is interrupted my me. 

"No!" I say with wide eyes. Both Bobby and Dean give me strange looks. "I mean, I got some sleep on the train and I have some questions." I fish out a doodle I did of the lizard creature. "Do you know what this is?"

Bobby takes the drawing and goes to one of his books. "Where did you see this?"

"I've been doing some hunting with the Argents. A few stray monsters here and there. One of their guys was ripped up and they have been trying to find out what did it. They also have been trying to get me to memorize their monster book. This picture came up." I say, lying my ass off. One of their hunters was ripped apart and they were trying to get me to memorize their bestiary but I really didn't look through it.

"It's called a kanima. It's an abomination to the werewolves. It's a bitten creature, who can't actually be a werewolf because of something in it's past. It gets confused by it's reflection, and 'it seeks a...' What the hell does this say?" I walk over and see that he was reading archaic latin.

"The kanima seeks a master." I read. Bobby looks at me in surprise. "What? I had some spare time."

"So you learned archaic latin?"

"Yeah. My friend and I spent all night on it." I say, thinking of Lydia.

"So what are you doing with the Argents?" Dean asks.

"Well, I helped Chris with an alpha a little while back and now his father, Gerard, came to town. Can you believe that Gerard killed an innocent. That was like the first thing he did!" I rant.

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, we were hunting and we came across a werewolf in a trap. The wolf was looking for an alpha. I was going to let him go but Gerard pulled out this weird ass, medieval sword and cuts him in half! Then he sent one of his hunters out to kill a 16 year old boy."

"Why would he do that?"

"They thought he could be a werewolf..." I realize that I am saying to much and that they will now investigate. "All this was happening in a town about 5 hours away from where I live." I say, trying to get them off the track.

"Right, well you asked your questions. You look like you need sleep." Dean says, walking over.

"No, I'm fine." I say.

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