Chapter 28: The Reveal

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It's been about two weeks since we defeated the Darach. Everything has been going great. Aiden and I have been... Well, it's been great. We break into offices and hook up all the time. It just feels... Right. I don't know what happens, but when I'm around him, all my worries float away. I don't care that he has killed people and he doesn't care about my past. He is the only person who I've told everything to. And I mean everything.

Things with Scott are great as well. Without the supernatural distractions, we have been talking more. Maybe he'll tell me his 'secret' soon, even though I already know. I know what you are thinking. If it's so great, why not tell him? Slow down there. If I tell him, it'll just put him in more danger than he's already in. It sucks but I have to be responsible.

After a few careless phone conversations, I found out what Lydia is. She's a banshee, an omen of death. That's why she found some of the bodies, it's an urge she can't repress. After I found out, I have been hanging out with her and Allison more, just in case. 

This whole town is going to hell soon. The Nemeton is attracting supernaturals from everywhere. I put holy water in the water supply, I gave anti-possesion charms to everyone. I don't know what else I can do. I'm still pissed at Deaton for not telling me about the beacon, but I still talk to him. 

Everyday, I contemplate calling the Winchesters for help, and everyday I refuse. Aiden tries to convince me to call, but I just can't! He doesn't understand that if they come, they will kill every inhuman being in the town without remorse. They will do more hurt then they will help. 

I haven't been able to help the Winchesters due to the events that have occurred. Even if I wanted to distract them, I'm not allowed to leave the city, let alone the state. I have to call them for weekly updates. So far they have an idea on how to trap the devil. They need to get the four horsemen's rings. The four horsemen (War, Famine, Pestilence and Death) were released when Lucifer was, although Lucifer had to do that ritual in Carthage to raise Death. When we combine each of the four rings, we can create a doorway to the prison Lucifer was in. Currently, Sam and Dean are looking for Death to gain all four rings. I wish I could help, but I just can't.

I drop my pen as my phone rings. I close my journal and reach for it. "Hey Dean, what's up?" I ask, walking over to my bed.

"Well, we have all of the rings." He says tiredly.

"That's great!" I say but hear a groan from the other end. "That's good, right?"

"It is, except for the fact that I have no idea how we are going to get Satan into the pit. And apparently,  I'm not needed anymore." 

"What do you mean, 'not needed'? You are Michael's vessel!"

"They got Adam when I refused."

"Adam? As in your half brother?" I ask, confused.


"I thought he was dead..."

"They brought him back."

"Oh. So basically, they just need Sam to say yes?" I ask, unamused.


"How did you find Death anyway?"

"Funny story." He laughs a little bit. "Bobby made a deal and is now able to walk. Also, Cas lost his angel mojo."

"WHAT?" I scream.

"Yeah, Bobby sold his soul to Crowley, and Crowley got us the location and gave Bobby his legs back. Cas pretty much gave himself up when we went to help Adam."

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