Chapter 23: Out Of Control Werewolves

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"Run! RUN!" I whip my head towards the screaming children. Luckily I am already in my hunting clothing or else these kids would be in big trouble. I start running towards the footsteps and the growls. 

I finally come by a shed and see Boyd picking up the small, rundown building, revealing two kids. The kids start to scream as Boyd throws the shed away. The kids stand there screaming as I grab a knife. I throw it at Boyd and start to run towards the kids. I get to the kids as Boyd finishes with the knife. 

All of a sudden, a jar of fireflies is thrown at his feet. They fly out and distract Boyd as I grab the kids and run. The boy is slowing us down, so I pick him up and keep running. Once we get to a clearing, we all stop and I put the boy down. I kneel next to both of them and say, "Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

The girl points to her ankle which is twisted the wrong way. I sit her on the rock and hold her ankle. "This is going to hurt but I need you to stay quiet, ok?" I ask. She nods and I twist her foot back into place. She screams out, but covers her mouth. 

I smile at her and say, "There you go. Now, you are ten times stronger." I suddenly hear footstep and push both kids behind me as I prepare to fight. 

Scott comes barreling out of the woods. I sigh as he walks up to us. "You lost him?" I hear Derek ask from the phone.

"Yeah, I kind of had to." Scott says looking at the three of us. 

"Wasn't exactly the plan..." Derek says. 

I kneel down by the girl's ear and whisper, "Tell the nice boy that I will take you home. Tell him he should go and help his friends."

The girl then walks up to Scott. "Excuse me?" She says quietly, tugging on his arm. "The nice girl who saved us said that she can take us home. She says that you should go and help your friends."

Scott looks from the girl, to me as I examine the boy. "I'll meet you at the trails by the preserve." He hangs up the phone and asks me, "How did you find them?" I ignore him as I pick the boy up. I walk over and grab the girls hand. I look back at Scott and motion for him to go. "Thank you." He says reluctantly as he runs off. 

"Ready?" I ask the two kids. They both nod and we run through the woods. We get to the edge of the woods and I drop them off near a house. "Go knock on the door and say that you got lost."

"Who are you?" The girl asks.

I sigh. "Some people call me The Savage. I'm not that bad though, right?"

"No, you saved us. You are like an angel" The girl says as she hugs me.

"Now go." I say, smiling. Both kids run up to the house as I walk back into the woods. 

"Time to go catch me some werewolves." I whisper and start running.


"Chris, I'm a little busy right now." I yell over the phone. Currently I am running from Boyd and another werewolf.

"You found them?" He asks.

"Yeah, and they are currently out for my blood." I grunt, jumping over a log. 

"Head towards the school. We have a plan."

"We? Who's we? I'm about to get ripped to shreds from an out of control Boyd and some mystery girl and you have a plan?"

"Scott, Isaac and Derek are leading them towards the school using emitters. Follow them. The mystery girl is Cora."

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