Chapter 20: Facing The Devil

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"You guys getting a signal?" I ask.

"No, nothing." Dean says with his phone out the window. "Nice and spooky." He then waves at Ellen's car as he moves to the side. 

Ellen drives up next to the Impala and says, "Place seem a little empty to you?"

"We're gonna go check out the PD. You guys stay here- see if you can find anybody." 

We get to the station and no one is there. I look through the files and nothing seems out of the ordinary. We walk out as Ellen's car drives up. "Station's empty." Sam says.

"So is everything else." Jo says. 

"Have you seen Cas?" Ellen asks. 

"What? He was with you." I say, shaking my head slightly. 

"Nope, he went after the reapers."

"Reapers? As in, more than one?" I ask as Ellen nods. "He saw reapers? Where? How many?"

"Kind of Everywhere." Jo says. 

"That's not good." I mumble, grabbing my weapons. Ellen parks and we all start to walk around the town, guns cocked. 

"This is great. We've been in town less than 20 minutes and we've already lost the angel up our sleeve." Dean complains. 

"You, uh..." Sam starts. "You think Lucifer got to him?"

"I don't know what else to think."

"There you are." I stop dead in my tracks. No, she can't be here... I turn around slowly to see the demon I hate most of all. 

"Meg..." I snarl. 

"Shouldn't have come here boys." She says, smiling at the Winchesters. 

"Yeah, well I could say the same thing for you." Dean raises the colt and points it at her. 

"Didn't come here alone Dean-o." She smirks at both me and Dean. A splashing sound comes from a puddle next to her, along with a growl. 

I hear more growls and barking. I walk up to Dean slowly as I realize what she brought. "Dean..." I say softly, touching his shoulder. "Hellhounds."

"Yeah, Liz. Your favorite." Meg says, smirking. "Come on boys. My father wants to see you."

"No way in hell, bitch." I say.

"Your call. You can make this easy, or you can make it really, really hard." I look back at Ellen, who gives a nod. 

"When have you known us to ever make anything easy?" Dean moves his gun slightly and shoots right next to her. Black blood erupts from nothing as I yell, "Run!" We all turn and start running. 

I run at the back of the group and I see the Winchesters and Ellen run towards a store. I feel something grab my ankles and I fall. I look up to see Jo approaching. "Jo, stay back!" I yell, trying to crawl away from the hellhound. She fires a few shots at the hell hound on top of me, sending it back. I stand up only to see her knocked down by an invisible force. 

"No!" I scream, running towards Jo, as Ellen and the brothers start to shoot. Jo screams out as the hell hound rakes it's claws across her stomach. I see the blood run up her body as she arches her back from the pain. 

I quickly try to pick her up. I stand her up as Dean runs over. He picks her up bridal style and we run into the hardware store. Dean puts her down and goes to help Sam secure the place. I rip off the bottom part of my shirt and place it on her wound. "I'm fine. I'm fine." She says weakly. 

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