Chapter 27: The End Of The Darach

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I get home to an empty house. I quickly write down basic information:

Jennifer Blake= Darach--> did sacrifices and is preparing for Guardians (sheriff, mom)

I then stem off of the original idea. I write down what everyone is and when they became what they are. 

Once I have the whole map, I start to think. I spend hours upon hours thinking: What am I going to do? I run my hands through my hair, trying to think, trying to get ahead of the ex-emmissary. I get too jittery and call Chris. He comes over as the sun starts to come up.

"Lizzie!" He calls, walking up to my room.

As he enters I say, "I have my basic information, but I have no idea where they could be. It has to have some significance to druids. That's all I have."

"Have you been at this all night?" He asks, looking at my tired state.

"I've had all nighters before." I say, nonchalantly. He raises an eyebrow at me. "I've stayed awake for 3 nights straight before. I can stay up for 24 hours."

"When did you do that?" I stay silent, not wanting to think of that time. He looks at me, waiting for an answer but looks away as my phone starts to ring. I look at the caller ID and quickly ignore them. "Why did you do that?"

"I can't deal with them right now." I sigh, looking at the maps. "Chris, I can't lose them." I say adamantly. "I can't lose both of them. Jennifer has my mother waiting to die and Scott is off with Deucalion, who will either kill Scott or turn him into a murderer and I..." I stop, feeling the tears coming. "I don't know how to fix it."

"We are all trying. We'll find them."

"But what if we're not fast enough?" I ask, as my phone starts to ring again. I ignore the caller and turn back to Chris.

"You said that you have hunter friends. They could--"

"No! They would kill the entire supernatural population in a heartbeat, including Scott." I say, ignoring my phone again. "I can't bring them here."

"Then we need to figure it out ourselves." Chris says, as my phone rings for a fourth time. I keep ignoring my phone as Chris gives me strange looks. 

"We know she wouldn't sacrifice them until the lunar eclipse. Then she will have the advantage over Deucalion because he will be normal. Bye bye werewolf powers. And we know that her powers are based on the telluric currents. " I start, ignoring my phone again. "Three main points are the school, bank and clinic, right? She wouldn't go to the same place twice."

"But what if she failed?" Chris asks as my phone rings more. 

I press ignore and ask, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you aren't dead. What if that's where they are?"

"I don't think so. She would put them somewhere with druid significance, not in the vault..." I trail off as my phone keeps ringing. I seriously contemplate throwing it at the wall, but opt to press ignore. 

"I could find them. If we go to the vault, she will follow me." Chris says.

"What's so important about you?"

"After we all left the hospital, the police found the name ARGENT spray painted on the elevator doors."

"You are not doing it." I say, ignoring my phone.

"Yes I am. I can find your mom."

"But what if I lose you too!?" I scream, getting incredibly mad. He looks taken aback as my phone keeps ringing.

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