Chapter 30: Explanation of the Past

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to xxxElisaxxx for her wonderful comment. Seriously, you made my day and you have no idea how much it meant to me when I read your comment. Thank you.

I wake up slowly to see that Aiden is gone. I pick up my head and see him walk out of the bathroom. "Hey." I say, stretching my arms. 

"Hey. I got a text earlier." He says, sitting next to me. "They want you to meet them at Derek's loft."

"Why didn't they text me?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"They don't trust you." He says.

"And they know that you're with me?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.

"Where else would I be?" He responds, smirking.

"Well, I should probably shower and get ready." I get up and give Aiden a kiss on the cheek. "Then we can go."

"You know that they might ask about hell." He says.

"And I'll answer them like I answered you. Honestly." I sigh before closing the door to the bathroom. 


"Ready?" Aiden asks as we get off of his motorcycle.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I mumble before we continue int Derek's building. We walk up the stairs and get to the big sliding door. Aiden slides it open as I walk in, trying to act strong. "Hello people." I say, looking everyone in the eyes. Scott, Ethan, Derek and Peter all glare at me, Stiles tries an angry glare but fails miserably and Allison, Chris and Lydia look some-what relieved. 

I plop down onto the couch and look at everyone expectantly. "So? You going to ask your questions?"

The werewolves keep their glare as Lydia speaks first. "How did you get into hunting?"

"Well, I had a run in with a monster. The hunters you met helped me out and they taught me what to do if something like that happened again." I say shyly, not wanting to get into the details. 

"What happened?" Allison asks.

"Well, you know about demons?" I ask. Everyone looks at me blankly. I sigh as I launch into an explanation. "Ok. Yes, demons are real and they are basically souls that have gone to hell, yes that's real too, and have completely lost their humanity. They can't be saved. They possess people and walk around Earth causing chaos."

"What does this have to do with you?" Scott asks harshly. 

"I shouldn't have gone on that trip..." I mutter, reliving the memory.

I get off the bus and run into the hotel. It's my first internship where I can go alone. I'm so excited that someone is acknowledging my intellect. I walk into my room and plop onto the bed, dropping my bags. I lay there for a while, thinking of tomorrow. 

I hear a knock at the door and jump up. I walk over and peak out. I see a cleaning lady standing there so I open the door. "Hi, the room is clean." I say, confused as she pushes into the room. 

"I know. Just came to tidy up." She pops the'p' as she looks around. I close the door as she turns back to me.

"I'm fine, really." I say, shaking my head.

She just smiles at me. I smile back, very confused. She then opens her mouth a little bit as black smoke pours out of the opening. I gasp and back into the door as the smoke crawls towards me. I turn and start to bang on the door, calling out for help. The smoke starts to travel up my leg as I scream at the top of my lungs. I feel it start to go down my throat as I start to choke. I fall to the ground, feeling the unfamiliar substance being shoved down my throat. 

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