Chapter 25: The Next Sacrifice

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"Mom." I yell. She turns around and sees Scott and I with a bag of food. 

"Oh thank god! I'm starving." She says, taking the bag of food. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Thank you for bringing me dinner." She says, giving us a hug. 

"Is everything ok?" I ask as she hugs Scott. 

"Except for half the accident victims in a ten car pile-up being rerouted here from downtown. And the E.R attending not answering any of his pages, yeah, I'm ok." 

"What does not answering pages mean?" Scott asks, probably thinking about the recent murders. I have formulated patterns within the six killings. Three were virgins while the others had military connections. Technically, there have only been 5 murders but they will find Mr. Harris soon enough. I know that Scott and Stiles have been formulating theories with Deaton and luckily everything Deaton knows, he tells me. The killer is a Darach, which is a dark druid. Druids are emissaries to alphas. Deaton and his sister, Ms. Marin Morrell are emissaries: Deaton was an emissary to Talia Hale and Marin is an emissary to the alpha pack. 

"It means that nobody can find him, so now we have to wait for the on call doctor to get here." Mom says.

"Miss?" A woman asks my mother in tears. 


"Excuse me, can I kind of please have something for the pain?"

"Ok, I'm sorry. I know. But actually giving you something could complicate things." Mom says, sitting her down. As Mom goes to the secretary for updates, Scott goes to sit with the woman. I see him holding her hand and black veins start to appear. She breathes out a sigh of relief, like the pain is going away. I guess werewolves can do that. 

My head whips to the door as I hear a voice screaming, "I need help! Somebody! I need some help!" I see Ethan, Aiden's twin, holding up a breathless Danny. I rush over to him with my mom and help him into a chair. Scott pulls Ethan aside as I try to calm Danny down. 

"This is not good." I mumble.

"His larynx has shifted to the side." My mom says.

"Tension pneumothorax?" I ask, holding Danny's hand.

"Think so." My mom says, still examining him. Then Danny starts to cough and falls to the ground. He starts to vomit white liquid with bits in it. 

As I help him up I hear Ethan say, "Mistletoe."

I can't process the new information as I am focused on Danny. We get him onto a stretcher and into a room. "Will you please go back to the waiting room?" My mother complains. 

"Where are the nurses and doctors? Where is everyone?" Ethan asks, afraid for his boyfriend. 

"It's a full house. They're tending to other patients." I say quickly, thinking of what to do. 

"How can we help?" Scott asks.

"You can't! His lung is collapsed. His heart is being pushed against his chest cavity, so..." I run my hand through my hair, unsure of how to save him.

"He's going to die, isn't he?" Scott asks. 

"No." I say, getting and idea. "No, he's not. Scott grab the tape. Ethan, get the scissors and cut his shirt open. Mom, get the---"

"Here." My mom says, one step ahead of me. I see Danny starting to gasp for breath and I start to panic. 

"I don't know if I can---" I start to doubt myself. What if I hit something? What if I kill him?

"Together." My mom says, grabbing my shaking hand. We lift the syringe up and plug it into Danny's chest. I open up the valve to let air into Danny's lungs as Mom takes out excess fluid. She takes out the syringe as Danny opens his eyes, now breathing regularly. 

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